ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɴɪɢʜᴛ ᴏғ ғᴀᴛᴇ 49 - ᴜɴᴀɴɴᴏᴜɴᴄᴇᴅ ᴀʀʀɪᴠᴀʟ

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Kashvi waved at Advait after spotting him at some distance

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Kashvi waved at Advait after spotting him at some distance. Advait waved back at her and rushed towards her. Kashvi smiled widest when he stopped before her. "How is this new cute mamma doing?" he asked while pulling her chubby cheeks. Kashvi giggled while looking up at him.

"I am great and happy," She declared. Advait laughed and nodded. "Of course, now your parents and man both are there," he said. Kashvi smiled again happily.

"What's so special today?" she asked. Advait frowned while looking at her. "Can't I call my best friend to meet?" he asked. Kashvi rolled her eyes. "Adu, I have known you for the longest time," she said and Advait gave her a sheepish smile.

"Someone else wanted to meet you," he said. Kashvi frowned and widened her eyes as soon. "Oorvi?" she asked and he sighed while nodding. "She called me yesterday for the same and I thought why not," he said. Kashvi nodded.

"Let's go then," she said. Advait held her hand as they both walked through the crowd to get to the restaurant.

The weather was pleasant today as the sun was hidden behind some countable dark clouds in the sky. The breeze was cold but not cold enough to wear warm clothes. "By the way, I heard from Navya about your adventure," he said. Kashvi rolled her eyes. "That's long back," she said and got a glare from Advait.

"You went to Jaipur and I couldn't meet you. I called you though but your Aai picked up," he said again. Kashvi nodded. "I forgot to call back later," she said and pressed a smile at him. Advait shook his head in disappointment and pushed the door to the restaurant when they reached. Kashvi moved forward and Advait followed her inside.

Kashvi's eyes roamed around the place and stopped at Oorvi in one corner who waved at her. Kashvi pressed a smile and walked towards her slowly. Oorvi got up and pressed a smile back at her. Advait helped Kashvi to get seated in front of Oorvi and took a seat beside Kashvi. Kashvi sipped water awkwardly while looking around.

"How are you doing?" Oorvi started the conversation. Kashvi nodded while pressing a smile. "Good," she said. Oorvi nodded and pressed another smile. "It's your ninth month, right?" she asked again and Kashvi nodded.

"Yes," she said. Oorvi nodded and smiled again. "Listen, I just wanted to say sorry for my behavior," she said finally when things started getting awkward again. Kashvi shook her head.

"It's fine," she said. Oorvi chuckled. "I wanted you to at least show some sort of anger," she said. Kashvi took a deep breath before speaking again, "I hold no anger for you anymore. Everything is going fine for me, just how I wanted it to be. Why would I hold any anger for you?" she asked and smiled a little.

"How you acted was wrong but maybe you understand it now. That's more than enough. I believe in second chances and you deserve one too," she said. Oorvi smiled genuinely this time. "Thanks, Kashvi," Oorvi said and forwarded her hand as she held hers. Kashvi smiled back while Advait's face held a small smile as well.

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