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Kashvi raised her eyebrows when Advait took a seat before her along with Neil

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Kashvi raised her eyebrows when Advait took a seat before her along with Neil. He smiled widely and she rolled her eyes. "Finally, the great Advait Agnihotri has some time for me," she said dramatically and eyed him. Advait chuckled and nodded.

"You are one lucky girl," he said and got a deadly glare in return. Neil let out a laugh and shook his head.

"Anyway, what should we order? I'm hungry so let's place the order first," Neil said while rubbing his palms together. Advait raised his eyebrows at Kashvi and she gave him a known smirk.

He shook his head and looked at Neil who got their signal. "God, Kashvi, don't you get irritated while eating chicken lollipop?" He asked and she shrugged. Both boys shook their heads in disappointment.

"Fine, whatever, what else?" Advait asked when her phone beamed. She looked to the side and was shocked to see Vansh's name. That was the first time he messaged her or even contacted her in any way.

He just talked with her when she was around otherwise. She took the mobile in hand still being in shock and unlocked it.

Sarita Ma said you went out to dine with friends

The first message read. She kept looking into the screen without blinking eyes and not understanding what was it about. It was so random. Why would he message anything like that? Was it a mistake? But then, the second message popped up in no time.

Avoid Chinese if you could. It won't be good for those two... The doctor said that...

She coughed while choking on her own saliva. Advait and Neil exchanged a look and moved their gazes back to her shocked face.

"What is it?" Advait asked with concern. She looked up at him with widened eyes.

"That man messaged me," she said and he narrowed down his eyes. "Mr. Mittal?" He asked and she nodded.

"Something is wrong," she said while talking like a detective from those movies. Neil sighed and raised his eyebrows at her drama. "Why?" He asked.

"He never messages me. Leave a message but he has never called me before if I remember it correctly. What is wrong with him? Why would he do that?" she said while feeling startled. Advait and Neil sighed again hopelessly. "So what does he say?" Advait asked this time.

"He says not to eat Chinese," she said and started looking around. "Is he spying on me? How did he know?" She asked and both boys kept looking at her hopelessly.

"I think she has lost it," Neil said and Advait nodded in agreement. "Is Mr. Mittal doing some sort of black magic? Where is my Kashvi? Who are you?" Advait asked dramatically and Kashvi gave him a look. He chuckled.

"I thought we were playing," he said and Kashvi rolled her eyes. Neil chuckled and shook his head.

"Anyway, is your lollipop on or are you giving it a thought?" Neil asked and Kashvi made a thoughtful face. She sighed after a few moments and looked at him.

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