Elegance (preview)

Start from the beginning

My hands and feet have suffered the most, but I'd say my hands cause most of my insecurities, I guess you can say. My once smooth tan hands are now patchy and littered with black and red scars. My nails barely even grow. The skin on my feet were burned severely, and the nerves are damaged. I've only managed to get some of the feeling back, but not completely. I remember when I was younger, Mako and Bolin would tickle my feet hoping I could feel just a little bit. I know it sounds silly, but it eventually worked. They did this until one day I actually felt something, and I actually laughed. After that moment, I learned how to walk properly again, with the help of my brothers of course.

School is ok, I guess. I've experience the good and the bad. I like learning new things, but people can be so cruel. It's silly if you ask me. To judge someone for being different. It actually shocks me that I'm getting made fun of for the most ridiculous reasons.

Not to toot my own horn, but I'm really smart. My best subjects are math and science. My dream is to one day become a successful inventor so that I can finally take care of my brothers like they've taken care of me. I'm not the biggest fan of the school I'm in now, just because the people there are jerks, but I need it if I'm going to be successful. That's what Mako tell me, but I don't actually believe that. Everything I've learned, as in the useful things, is from being on the streets. Observing, creating, and learning how things work by studying them. I fixed our radio when I was just 10 years old by learning how each piece worked, and which part went where. The only thing I actually like about school is my math and science class, if I didn't already know most of the material, I would be able to say I actually love it.


"Li," I turn over in my bed to see a pair of green eyes staring into mine.

"Hi, Bolin," I yawn.

"Hey, Little Sister," my brother responds cheerfully. "Time to get up, it's a school day."

"Noooo, please don't make me go, please Boli." I turn on my charm, giving him my best pout, and my bottom lip quivering. Cue the sniffles.

"Nooo, not the pout."

In 3,2,1..

"Ok, you can stay."


"No she can't," Mako says while walking into the room.

No! I think to myself.

"Sorry, kid," Bolin apologizes.

I get up with a grunt and stand by Mako who is making breakfast on the stove. Bolin is always so easy because he's the nice one. Mako on the other hand is different. Sure he's nice too, at least to us he is, but he's so much harder to trick.

"Please, Mako. I don't wanna go," I pout for real this time.

"I know, but you only have one more day till the weekend, you'll survive."

I sigh and make my way past Bolin and into the bathroom. Sometimes I hate how responsible he is.

"Hey, look on the brightside, you get to graduate early. Then you'll be rich and famous while your classmates are serving you fruit on a silver platter in Ba Sing Se," Mako says and cheekily grins at me.

"Yay, can't wait," I sarcastically cheer.


School was a nightmare as usual, but after school was when the exciting stuff really happened.

I decided to take a detour on my way home down a cute little street deep in the city. I was window shopping and saying hello to the nice lady who gave me an apple every time I see her, when a bunch of no good hoodlums started harassing the poor shop owner who owned the record store next door. I know I should've spoken up, but my body wouldn't let me. I know what kind of people these are, I grew up around them. I just couldn't do it.

I remember Ms. Yang, the apple lady, grabbing my hand and gently leading me inside her shop where she locked the doors behind us and closed the blinds.

"Will he be ok?" I asked.

"I hope so. I have nothing against benders, but it really gives them a bad name when you have people like them abusing their power."

"Yes," I sighed. "I'm just glad my brothers aren't like that. I don't know what I'd do if they were." I stated putting my head down.

My brothers did work for the Triple Threats, but that was different. Mako did the numbers for them because we didn't have any money, and we were living on the streets. Sometimes you have to do things you don't want to in order to survive. It's not like they hurt anyone though.

"If only all benders were like your brothers."

The older woman swept her floors while I looked out of one of the blinds to see what was happening out there. I was born here, and I love Republic City, but lately, I've been noticing the tension between benders and non benders, and it's really sad. I've experienced both sides of life, and I wish people could see that It doesn't matter if you can bend or not, the only thing that matters is that you're a good person, and being a bender doesn't make you automatically bad. I've experienced bad people on both sides.

I remember the moment everything changed, it happened so fast. This girl just appeared out of no where! She was really pretty with blue eyes that really complimented her outfit well, but she was also very muscular and strong. Wish I looked like her, I remember thinking.

I've read a lot of books to recognize that she was a waterbender. Her clothes were traditional watertribe attire. She rode in on a polar dog, which by the way, is huge! I've never seen one in real life, but I've always imagined them to be much smaller. They're almost the same size as a sky bison. I've seen those in person, but not up close. I've seen the past Avatar's family ride in on theirs when they return to their home on Air Temple Island.

I thought she was just a regular bender like my brothers, but when she threw out the 2nd element, then the 3rd element, I was shocked, but I knew she had to be the Avatar. Who else could do that? Sure earthbenders can bend metal or lava, and waterbenders can bloodbend, but to bend all four elements? There's only one person who can do that. Technically she did only three, but maybe she didn't feel like doing the other one?

"Ms. Yang, she's- she's Avatar!"

"Wow, the Avatar? Here? In our city?"

"Yes, and she's amazing! I have to tell my brothers. I'll see you later!"

"Ok sweetie, be careful," She smiled at me.

I ran outside, but the girl and her dog were being carried away by police. What the heck? She saved these people! Why is she getting arrested? I remember asking myself. I looked up at the blue eyed girl getting carried away, and she waved at me.

"I'll be fine!" She yelled, and I waved to her.

I've got to tell Mako and Bolin!

So I did, and I ran all the way home. I was out of breath and sweaty when I found them, and I collided with Mako.

"Whoa, what happened, why are you in such a rush?" He asked

"A-Av-Avatar! They went BOOM, and then she went AHHH, BOOM, and then they-"

"You met the Avatar?!" Bolin shouted cutting me off.

"Yes! Well no! I saw her though, and she-"

"Wait a minute, start from the beginning," Mako said.

So I did, "Ok, well.."


So here I am now...

Not only did they not believe me, but Mako laughed in my face and told me how active my imagination is. It's so frustrating living with two older brothers sometimes. Just because I'm younger, doesn't mean I should be taken less seriously than everyone else. I know what I saw!

I sit criss cross apple sauce on my bed as Bolin walks into my side of our room with a cookie on a platter, something he does when he knows I'm upset.

"I don't want to talk to you," I say while sticking my nose in the air and crossing my arms.

He sits my snack down and sighs. He gets up to leave.

"Don't worry, I believe you."


My Sister's Keeper (An LOK story) (Editing Come my Soon!)Where stories live. Discover now