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"I bet Tenzin will say no," I jokingly tell my friends.

Is it wrong that I'm actually happy right now? Sure I'm nervous about Kuvira, but I'm finally back with my sister and our friends. Team Avatar is actually together again after three long years. I don't doubt that we still have work to do, but at least we're together again. I just wish Jade were here with us, but she's helping with the evacuations. I miss her already.

The talk I had with Korra was honestly so refreshing, but also an eye opener. Like I said, we still have work to do, but this is just the beginning of something beautiful, and it made me realize that if I and Korra can repair our relationship, then maybe there's hope for my father and I. I haven't been to the south in years. I swore that I'd never return, but... I miss home, and I miss my parents. I can't change the past, but I can heal and shape the future. Now there's only a few things that needs to be done. Defeat Kuvira, find Raina, and go home!

My friends and I find Raiko with Lin and Tenzin on Air Temple Island. City Hall is in the middle of Republic City, so it's not really the safest place for the president at the moment.

"The five of us have been talking and... we wanna take out Kuvira's spirit weapon before it gets too close to the city," my sister explains.

"That sounds like a risk we don't need to take. The evacuation is on schedule and General Iroh is getting his army in place," Tenzin replies.

"I know Iroh can go toe-to-toe with Kuvira's army, but that weapon..."

"-It's too powerful! It can destroy the city," I finish. "I and Bolin have seen it for ourselves."

"We can't let it get to our doorstep. We'll sneak behind enemy lines and disable the weapon," Mako says.

"If it works," Asami starts. "It'll even the playing field."

"But if you get caught..." Tenzin trails off.

"It's worth the risk," Korra finishes.

"I agree, and it might be our only shot at preventing an all-out war. Good luck," Raiko nods to my sister.

"We'll head out tonight."


Korra's bison soars through the sky with us mounted on it's back while we all look out for Kuvira and her troops. For some reason, I'm not as scared as I use to be. I've always tried to hide how scared I actually was of Kuvira, but now, I'm more scared for the city and my sister than I am for myself. I guess that's what happens when you die as many times as I have.

No way!

"Bolin," I call to my friend, not believing my own eyes. "Look at this."

I give the telescope to Bolin while Asami and Mako survey their surroundings with the naked eye. I point Bolin in the direction towards Kuvira and her troops, and he gasps in shock, drawing everyones attention.

"Guys!" He shouts. "Down there!"

"Is that?-" Asami starts.

"Kuvira," Korra finishes bitterly. "She's already crossed into United Republic territory. She's a week early."

I watch in awe as her troops make for their destination. There are dozens of tanks crossing the area, but no cannon. Is this what it was like for Aang when he had to fight Ozai? I can't imagine having to face this at 13 years old, and with fire?! Earth is scary enough, but fire is different. Especially when a big firey comet is making its round around the earth.

"I've never noticed how many followers she has," I mumble.

I mean, of course I knew she had a lot of followers, but I think she's gotten a lot more since the last time we saw her.

"This doesn't make sense. There aren't any train tracks this way. How are they transporting that super weapon of theirs?" Mako asks.

He's got a point. How are they transporting that weapon?

Moments later we all look at each other confusingly as the entire mountainside begins to rumble. I hold on to the bison's saddle trying to steady myself. It feels like there's an earthquake or a stampede coming our way. I look around, my jaw drops as I spot something in the distance.


"Apparently on a giant mecha suit!" Asami says just as shocked as the rest of us.

Each step causes a large cloud of dust to gather around its feet. Looking at the body of the mecha, it hits me, those are the domes from Zaofu that Kuvira tore down! Several airships fly behind the giant. It doesn't seem to stop. It's a good thing Korra can metalbend, I'll say that.

"Did you two know Kuvira was building that thing?!" Mako asks us.

"Oh my gosh, did I forget to mention that? Bolin, we totally forgot- of course we didn't know, dummy!" I yell at him.

My heart pounds as the familiar purple glow begins to form at the end of the turret.

"I know what happens next! We gotta get out of here, now! Now!" Bolin yells.

The mecha fires a beam of energy that we narrowly escape, but it still knocks our bison off-course. Luckily the bison manages to stabilize itself, but that was way too close. She fires another blast, but it misses and blasts through a nearby mountain instead.

I grab my chest. That's a lot of spirit energy.

"We need to get to the city, now!" I direct.


We touch down on Air Temple Island to meet Tenzin, Pema, Raiko, and the Beifong's. The ride here was heavy, no one said a word. I guess they're not use to almost dying, me on the other hand... I know I shouldn't be joking, but it keeps me oddly calm. If I focus too much on the fact that one of us might not return, I'll shut down, and I don't want that again.

"Korra? Kitty? Are you all right? Why are you back so soon?" Tenzin asks.

"It's Kuvira," Korra answers.

"Our intel was wrong. She must have known Zhu Li had the information," I add.

"What do you mean?" Raiko asks.

"What do you think it means?" I ask sarcastically.

Sometimes he makes me so upset how dumb he is. Common sense says Kuvira is on her way!

"Kuvira's army is only a few hours away," Korra explains a lot more patient.

"No, they can't be! We're not ready."

"Well, we have no choice but to get ready. That spirit weapon is attached to a giant mecha suit. It's over twenty-five stories tall!" I exclaim.

"Get General Iroh on the line and tell him that the attack is happening today. We need to lock down the city," Raiko commands Lin.

"Pema! Find Wu and get the remaining citizens to safety, immediately. We can't have innocent lives in jeopardy," Tenzin tells Pema.

"Look out for Jade, she's already helping evacuate people. You'll most likely find her at the train station," I tell Pema before she heads off.

"What should we do?" Bolin asks.

"Let's go to my factory," Asami suggests. "Maybe we can get a few of those hummingbird suits up and running."

"We're coming with you," Suyin volunteers.

"I'll head to the front lines and help General Iroh," my sister announces.

Of course I'm going with her, there's no way I'm not.

"Kitty, I know what you're thinking. Let's go."

She knows me so well.


My Sister's Keeper (An LOK story) (Editing Come my Soon!)Where stories live. Discover now