Chapter 30: The Clone Deserter

Start from the beginning

I was stupefied. How did he know Rex and Areria? With that in mind, I asked. "How do you know Areria and Rex?"

Cut let out a sigh. "Why don't we go inside and we can talk more about it inside?"

I glanced back at Obi and Stass, rather conflicted. Cut noticed and he then followed my gaze. Understanding my hesitation, he quickly responded. "Your...uh, pets, and your kids will be all right with Jek and Shaeeah."

Obi's and Stass's eyes lit up. "Can we, mom? Please?"

They gave me looks just like the look Loki gave me, when he wanted me to sing, widening their blue eyes that reminded me of Loki. My heart clenched. How I miss him. I mentally shook my head, snapping out of my thoughts. Right now, I need to think clearly if I'm gonna get out of here alive.

"All right, but don't go anywhere else." I urged.

Stass and Obi both nod, assuring me that they'd listen to me. Cut then spoke up. "Don't worry, they'll be fine."

They'll be all right, Storm. Besides if anything does happen, they can handle themselves. They proved that when they along with Loki, Seda, the Force ghosts, and I fought against Sidious outside He who remains's castle. So reluctantly, I followed Cut and Suu inside their home in their living room and towards their kitchen, where a dining table stood.

"Why don't you take a seat?" Cut offered as he sat down in a chair at the dining table.

I plopped down in a chair across from Cut. I glanced around, inspecting the kitchen, which was spotless, containing several cupboards, a sink with a small window that had curtains, which were pulled back, a stovetop with two thermajugs on the top, and a conservator.

"How long have you been here?" I questioned.

"Two years." Suu answered as she took out three cups from one of her cupboards.

"We once lived in Saluecami." Cut chimed in.

I furrowed my brows. Saluecami...Before I could say anything, Cut added. "We've been there since the Clone Wars."

Suu placed the three cups on the table. She then looked at me. "Tea or caf?"

"Caf please." I replied.

Suu gave me a nod before returning to the stovetop, grabbing one of the thermajugs. In a matter of moments, she returned to the table with our drinks. Suu then sat in a chair beside him. Cut then continued on.

"I was a clone trooper in the army, same as any other clone. I was there at the Battle of Geonosis. After the battle, our transport was caught by two Separatist gunships. We couldn't shake them off." Cut explained. "They fired at us, and we crashed. Most of my troop was either badly wounded or dead. And they didn't stop there. They made their way towards us, killing off the wounded one by one. I knew if I stayed, I would've been dead. So I ran..."

My stomach churned. So he was a deserter. I wasn't sure what to say. I wasn't expecting him to say that. I wanted to scold him, tell him that what he did was wrong, quite selfish of him. But I couldn't, because I myself had been selfish when it came to missions. And if he was telling the truth, then staying would've been suicide. I wasn't sure what to say, so I said the first thing that came to mind. "I'm sorry...I didn't know."

"It's all didn't know. You were busy with the battle and Count Dooku." Cut pointed out before continuing. "While on Saluecami, Rex and Areria came across our home. They were just as surprised as you are now..."

And I then it hit me. While searching for Grievious on Saluecami, Areria and Rex parted ways, worrying us as we discovered he was injured. But I didn't know that they stayed at a farmhouse. So that's what happened. They must've helped out both Areria and Rex, and for that I am grateful.

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