
It wasn't much to say about the test if the following days. Now it's Thursday night, Mihawk was responsible to count the students on the bus and doing roll call. Marco and Shanks, well mostly Marcos, was in charge of the luggage being organized and mames. Thatch was responsible for Shanks. You were last to arrive and you were out in a bus you wish it wasn't the one you wanted. Yes, it's the one with few people, but that means it's for the late kids. I'm talking about: Kid, Killer, Zoro, Sanji, Luffy, Apoo, Penguin, Shachi, Rebecca, and a extra that you can seem to remember the name of. (Cough cough I'm talking about me the author)

You glared at everyone and at Ace, who violently and beggingly cheered for your name. "Y/n, this seat is empty!!" Penguin on the other hand send you a wave towards him. You looked away from everyone and sat next to teacher Marco, which was surprise by your action. "As much as I hate you guys, why do you sit next to me?" You shrug your shoulders, "I don't want them near me. Don't ask why, I'll be quiet." Marco widened his eyes as you plugged your earbuds and began to blast your songs. Marco smiled and leaned on his chair, clearly he was your teacher for the bus. Now we wait for the 8 hour drive to the beach.


Okay, yes you paid for this trip and who knows how many students, BUT you don't deserve to be treated like ONE!!

You now stand in a glaring stand off with Boa, who's your roommate for this weekend. Boa was the first to look away with a huff and walked pass by you, of course hitting your shoulder. You took a deep sigh and unpacked the things that need to be. Like you're toothbrush and toothpaste that you'll be using now due to just arriving on Friday morning.


Raising an eyebrow at Boa, she looked away from you and said, "T-There will be breakfast in 30 minutes...teacher announced it on the hallways." Clearly this woman didn't want to say that to you, but nobody forced her, so why? You sat up on your bed and continue to look at her. "Look, I don't care if you're mad at me for no reason-" "OF COURSE THERE'S A REASON!" Blinking multiple times, Boa groaned at the stupid face you made. "There is? What the fuck did I do to you? We're not even on the same class?" Boa sighed, "lu....li......ou..." "If you want me to hear you out, speak louder." Boa slammed her hands on the bedside table, "I said, Luffy likes you!!" You gawked at her words. Yes you already knew of that information, but damn this woman can't seem to understand that you can't do anything about it. "I'm taking it that you like Luffy. Look, I'm not interested in Luffy or anyone. So why are you blaming me for his feelings, again?" Boa groan, blushing madly as she slammed her face on her pillow. "I don't know...I just don't...like that Luffy likes you and not me. B-But I won't lose to you!" Boa sat up while clenching her fists and puffing her cheek out like a child. You were actually amuse of the girls action, but didn't say anything once the door was knocked. Boa walked towards it and opening it, and there you met her two best friends. Sandersonia, who stood 6'3 and has both hair and eyes green. Marigold was taller than the two, she stood 6'5 with chocolate eyes and a red head.(or orange, whatever you like) They both didn't say anything as the three left for breakfast. It didn't take long for you to do so as well.

"Y/n! Look at these pancakes!" Ace flexed his packed plate as you nodded and looked away. Your mistake. Kid now stood in front of you, "What are you looking at?" "Something I wish I never want to see." Kid widened his eyes as you walked pass him and his three friends. Killer took notice of your cranky mood, but didn't do anything. Of course the poor male was struggling, because he wanted to talk to you again, but he also knew that someone has been watching you all this time. And that's the male, Gummy.

"Y/n!" Luffy hugged you tightly on his arms, making you gasp for air, "Luffy...you're okay." You gasped once he put you down on your feet, "Yep! My phone broke while fighting!" You raised an eyebrow, "You fought? Why?" Luffy shook his head, "I don't know? Come on, sit with me and my friends!" Luffy pulled you in a table where Zoro slept, and Sanji flirting with Nami, Vivi, and Rebecca. Usopp waved at Luffy and you as you sat between the two. Now everyone took notice of your insanely thick aura. It even woke Zoro up due to him having quick reflexes. "Y/n, are you going to eat that?" Luffy said while staring at your whole plate. You took out your juice, "No, you can have it." "THANK YOU!" He snatched the trate and began to eat. "Luffy! You can't eat a woman's meal!! They need it for their daily nutritions!" Sanji yelled at Luffy. Zoro finally started eating his as Usopp wrapped his arms around your shoulder, "I still can't get over you on that day! You can really fight!" Usopp laughed while smirking, "You know, I actually fought a whole army, right?" You slowly nodded with an uncomfortable look, clearly making Nami slapped her face in disbelief. "Ignore them, I'm surprised you haven't run away." She laughed with Vivi and Rebecca agreeing with her. "Thanks?" The three girls pulled you next to them as they soon began to ask you questions.

"Oh my, your hands are smooth, what lotion do you use?" Vivi asked, making Nami gasp and touch you. "You're right!" You hesitate at their interaction. "Uh...just a random lotion?" "Where did you learn how to fight?" Rebecca asked. "I just learned a few fighting techniques from my grandma and her friend. Just so I can protect myself at least." Rebecca gasped, "Awesome!" "So how rich are you?" Nami leaned towards you, and you swear to kami-sama that you saw dollar signs on her eyes. "You can say...I'm wealthy?" Nami laughed evilly and then hugged you tightly, "Oh, we're going to be so close!" You gulped, "Yeah..."

After that fiasco, you went back to your room to change. Right as you were about to leave, Boa walked in and stopped you from leaving. "Look I may not like you, but I do respect other females. Wait for me, so we can go together to the beach." Your eyes widened, 'Huh? Did I hear that right?' Patiently waiting for the female to get ready, she finished and now the two of you walked to the beach. "Are you wearing a bikini underneath your clothes?" You shook your head, "This is my swimwear. Spandex with a big t-shirt." Boa chuckled, but she then took notice of her actions and looked away from you with biting her lower lip. Your eyes began to twitch from annoyance.

'She's so cute! But I can't lose to her!' Boa shook her fist. You sighed and continue to follow her. "When will you be finish with your community?" You shook your head, "I don't have community, I graduate like a normal student, and you?" Boa's expression now had an amazed expression that slightly made you smile. "I finish when normal students graduate!
I'm so excited!" You didn't say anything else.

Right as the two of you arrived, you placed your stuff with Boa and her two friends. But that's when you came to realize the stares that males and females gave your group. 'Probably not looking at me.' You shrugged your shoulder and helped out the girls set up the spot with a giant umbrella. Now you sat on your chair and began to hear music with your headphones, and read a book. Yes, you can have fun on the water, but it's salty than a bitch, so no ❤️

Now traveling to a small shop that only sale beverages, Killer opened his soda and began to chuck the substance in one go. Kid walked to him and handed him another. "What's with you lately? Still being a bitch about not talking to Y/n?" Killer glared at Kid, who smirked at him. "Don't act like I'm the only one. You're literally struggling to not even make small remarks at the poor girl." Kid groan, "Let's not get into that..." both males spotted Heat and Wire running towards them with a smile on each of their face. Kid raised an eyebrow, "Since when did you two get happy?" Heat rolled his eyes and shoved the poster in front of Kid and Killers face. "It's this weekend." Kid and Killer widened their eyes, "Since when did they posted this? I didn't see it on their one Piecegram?!" Kid began to fangirl at the sight of a car meets poster on his hand while Killer checked his phone for the event. "It's an open event, which means we don't need to pay to get in." The three males cheered, "Oh I wish I brought my baby-Look! There's a race today!" Kid couldn't handle his excitement as Killer shook his head and began to rub Kids head, trying to calm him down.

"Hey, we should kidnap Y/n, and take her." Kid smirked as Killer widened his eyes, "What are you trying to get killed by that guy!?"

Smart Assजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें