Shuri nods in understanding.

"Let me run some tests," she says.

They all leave the room in order for Shuri to have the space to work.

"Do you think it's permanent?" Sarah says looking at Steve.

Sarah always looks to her father for guidance but unfortunately, in this case, he's as clueless as the rest of him.

"I dont know, honey. I hope not," Steve says.

Steven wonders if he might be able to reinvent JJ's memories through visions. It won't be the same as having personal memories. It will feel more like watching a movie than living the experiences himself but at least he'll remember something.

He decides to not bring it up to his family though quite yet. He needs to ask Shuri if it will work before anything.

Steven is completely thrown on how to handle this whole situation. They hadn't been able to change anything but why were they able to change this? JJ's fall prevented Rhodey's paralysis but either way, someone was critically injured at the airport fight.

Steven thought that they were all knowing but apparently, that's not the case. Maybe JJ was right. Maybe they are here for a purpose and fate brought them here. Was their purpose to save Rhodey? For some reason, Steven doesn't believe that's the case. He does believe that his family has a big role to play in the wars to come but he has no idea how.

Steven sees Bucky standing by the observation window and walks over to him. He can see that his dad is staring at JJ as tests are run on him.

"When you see us, do you see mom?" Steven asks.

Bucky glances down at Steven and then back to JJ.

"I haven't had a lot of interaction with your brother but I see a lot of me in him, well the old me, but I see so much of your mom in you," Bucky says.

"How so?" Steven asks.

"Well, I was very impulsive and head strong as a kid. I was passionate but I was also reckless. Your mom was the antithesis of me. She was level headed and so smart. She thought things out and never made any rash decisions. You and your brother definitely mirror that dynamic," Bucky says.

Bucky gives a small smile as he thinks about the days before they first got together.

"It took me quite a bit of time to convince your mother to be with me, actually. We were so different that she worried we would fight all the time. I disagreed with her. I believed that our differences balanced each other. We tempered each other worst impulses and made the other person better. I pulled her out of her shell and she kept me grounded," Bucky says.

Steven knows how much his dad loves his mom. It was so obvious growing up that they were perfect for each other. He can hear in his dad's voice that mom was his everything. It still made no sense to him why his dad didn't immediately agree to go back with Uncle Steve after the final battle against Thanos.

"If someone offered you the opportunity right now to go back and live the rest of your life with mom, would you?" Steven asks.

Bucky doesn't have to even think about the answer.

"No," Bucky says.

"No? But she's the love of your life!" Steven says.

Steven doesn't understand. If you love someone, you should want to be with them, right?

"When you love someone like I love your mother, your happiness ceases to be important. Everything is about keeping them safe and happy even if it means a life of misery," Bucky says.

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