I could hear the woman still speaking through the phone, “India, are you there?”

Her voice sounded so distant, it was then I realized I had dropped the phone. Silent tears streamed down my face as I leaned down and picked it up.

“So,” I replied into the phone, still not understanding completely.

“Would you like to come down to the morgue and see him, one last time,” The woman said sadly,

I nodded until I realized I was speaking through the phone, and she couldn’t hear me. “Yes” I choked out, “I’ll probably be over sometime today,” I said barely above a murmur,

“Anytime, I’ll be seeing you,” she said, also quietly, as she hung up the phone.

I sighed, I sat in the chair for a moment before dialing my home.

It only rang three times before I heard my mother on the other end answer,

“Hello?” she asked curiously, obviously not knowing the caller ID

“Mommy,” I said quietly, almost childlike.

I could hear her choke, in seconds she was sobbing,

“Baby you’re okay, where are you?” She asked through tears,

“A guy, and his friends they found me… they, helped me,” I said, I was sobbing now too. It was so great to hear her voice,

“I want you to come home,” she said seriously,

“I want to come home too mom,”

She quickly switched subjects, it was obvious I was coming home, “So, your dad,” she said silently,

All I could reply was a “Uh huh”

We talked for a little while longer before we said our good-byes and ‘I love yous’

I exited the room and made my way to the kitchen, a plate of pancakes was sitting on the table. Both Liam and Zayn were sitting. When Zayn saw me he quickly stood up, walking towards me,

“India?” He asked inquisitively,

“I’m not hungry anymore,” I said, wiping half dry tears off my face. I didn’t even care about what I looked like around these semi-strangers.

He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into a tight hug. The action felt strange, but I didn’t even care, I needed the comfort. I wrapped my hands around him as I nuzzled my face into his shoulder. It was kind of weird how close we were, standing in the middle of the kitchen. I barely even knew him.

But the hug felt really right, I didn’t want it to end. I started crying into his t-shirt. He picked me up then, almost like he was taking a toddler to their bed for a nap.

I still clung onto him, wrapping my legs around his waist. He tightened his hold around me as he started walking, before I knew it I was placed on the warm fluffy couch. I let go of him then.

By this point my tears were under control, I wiped my face. He sat next to me on the couch. I pulled my feet up. We took a silent moment, just looking at each other.

“Zayn, where are your parents,”

He looked shocked at my question, he didn’t answer for a moment, “um they’re, well they aren’t around anymore,”

“Not around anymore?” I repeated confusedly.

“They’re dead,” He replied,

My lips just made an ‘O’ shape as I looked down, “I’m sorry,”

“No, India it was so long ago, all that matters right now is you, are we going to go down to the morgue?”

I noticed how he said ‘we’ instead of ‘you’ which meant he really did want to be there for me, I don’t think he realized though. So I smiled.

He raised an eyebrow,

We can” I replied, “But can I take a shower?”

“Of course, let me show you whe-” he began to say before I cut him off,

“No its fine, I know where it is,”


I hopped in the shower, making sure the door was locked before I stripped my clothes off. I didn’t know what to do with them so I balled them up on the floor.

I tried to shower as quickly as possible, I felt so much better with my hair washed.

After I got out I realized I didn’t have any clothes. I wrung out my hair before wrapping a towel around my body and awkwardly stepped out of the bathroom.

By now everyone was awake; I spotted Louisa and Harry cuddling on the couch.

Louisa looked up at me and smiled, “I have clothes you can wear India, come on,” she said as he walked down the long hall.

She handed me a simple sweatshirt, pair of jeans, and socks. I was surprised when they fit perfectly. I exited the room and thanked her.

Zayn looked me up and down, “you ready?”

I nodded as I slipped on my boots.


A/N sooo i think this is kind of a longer chapter. it was semi exciting but definitely important for the story. i just want to keep writing but i was afraid i'd write all night so i have to stop now!!!

I kinda want to rename this story.... does anyone have any suggestions??

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