Chapter 13

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(A/N) I've realized all of my chapters are around 1,000 something words, which are kind-of short. But thats how I write haha so there. The pack has now hit 700+ reads and I'd like to thank you all soo much! I love all of you (especially if you've made it this far) The reads number is rising super quickly which is totally stellar!

Now one last thing, my friend has a wattpad and she is writing a story called "Oblivious" so go look her up!!! Her username is @tomlindaughter. Her story is amazing and I'm super excited for the next chapter, but she refuses to update until she gets 100 reads so help me out and read her story! i made the cover for it too so check it out :)) (Its a Niall story, but i feel like there will be some Zayn drama at some point check it out ooh)

I'm sorry the author notes are so long in this chapter dang!! Its 1:52 in the morning yawn. but here yaa goo. Back to Indias view.


I sat at the kitchen table, staring out the large glass sliding door into our snowy backyard. I saw a mountain in the background, it never moved, so it was my favorite thing. It would never leave me like Zayn did.

No, Zayn didn’t leave me because he wanted to, he had to. I know that, but it didn’t make it hurt any less. I know I could be with him anytime, board a plane, a train, a bus, and just go. But I knew that wasn’t plausible.

Maybe that mountain wouldn’t leave me, but maybe one day I would leave it. I sighed and frowned, still staring at the snowcapped beauty.

I hated how attached I was to everything, especially silly things. I hated having to contemplate whether to leave my life and everything I know for a boy who I barely knew, yet already caught feelings for. He was more important to me than anything else in my life at the moment though.

I shouldn’t have had to choose. I shouldn’t stay up looking at my dresser drawers wondering if I should stuff a bag and leave. I shouldn’t have to look at my mother’s face and wonder if she’ll ever look at me the same way if she even knew.

It’s not like I could even talk to her anyways, she was already dealing with so much losing her love.

I was drowning in my thoughts, an ocean deeper than the Marianas Trench, the tide high, and my life boat deflating.

I wiped a band of sweat off my forehead with a shaky hand. Jeez, I swear my mother always kept the heat above 90.

I stood up and tried to walk, but more wobbled, over to the thermometer.

My vision blurred, but then focused on the device.

70 degrees fahrenheit.

I suddenly realized the apparent throbbing in my head and heavy breathing coming out of my mouth.

“Zayn,” I choked out, holding back my tears.

I felt sicker than I had these past couple of days.

I suddenly remembered it was useless to call for Zayn; he was three thousand miles away from me. I knew wolves ears were better than humans, but not that good.

A tear fell down my sweat covered face; it felt cool compared to my skin. I breathed and stumbled towards the door. I tripped on nothing and fell forward, collapsing onto my wrist.

I winced at the pain and began a crawl towards the door. I managed to climb off the floor long enough to reach the door handle and slide it open. I didn’t even bother to close it as I stumbled into the freezing outdoors. It didn’t feel very freezing though.

The sun was shining brightly above me, blurring my vision further.

“India?” I heard a call from inside,

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