Chapter 19

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(A/N) I'm sorry this chapter ends how it does, and so shortly, but i like cliffhangers. I am SO TERRIBLY SORRY for not updating in so long i am really so super sorry. I woke up this morning and was like, "oh god remember my story, i need to write this" and when i noticed i had so many more followers and reads it just made me feel worse because i left all you hanging, so hello babies i am back! school is out in two weeks so i'll be able to write more!!! the action begins; (if you forgot what happened last chaper since its been so long, look back) i'm going to try to update again soon the next part of this chapter. 


I was lying naked in the snow, my arms and legs outstretched, the sun beating down on my body. I wasn’t cold at all, and for a moment I wish I could be. I wanted to feel something, why was that so hard now. I wanted to be a child again, I wanted the snow to turn my cheeks and nose red and my fingers numb until I had to go inside because I couldn’t bear it anymore.

I wondered if Zayn and Liam were looking for me. I ran a long distance, but my paw prints in the snow and my scent wouldn’t make me hard to track, so why hadn’t they gotten to me yet? Maybe they knew I needed time alone, and for that I was happy.

Suddenly behind me I heard a voice, a shrill sounding female, “Well would you lookie here, Jade” The woman said, and I bolted upright, covering my chest and privates with my hands. I thought I was far enough out that people wouldn’t see me, but I was wrong.

The blonde one who was the one to speak I recognized easily. She was the slut who I caught cheating with Zayn. There were three other girls with her, they all seemed gorgeous but the terrible smirks on their faces ruined the show. The one she spoke to laughed and replied, “What a mess this girl is,” she had a big bow in her hair that made her look innocent and girly, but I could tell she was anything but that.

“Should we grab her Perrie,” Another one, mixed with short curly hair asked,

“Hmm, Maybe,” Perrie smirked, her blonde hair almost looking white in the sunlight,

“She doesn’t look like she’ll put up much of a fight,” The fourth girl said, her brown hair long and up in a ponytail, “Look at her, she’s just lying there,” All four girls began to laugh, circling around me.

It suddenly hit me that I wasn’t doing anything, and I had to. At wolfspeed I morphed into my other form, I accepted it again and the change was swift and painless. I began to run, all four of my paws digging into the snow and pushing trying to get a good grip. The four girls weren’t expecting this, so I thought I could get away. I didn’t realize how fast they were though.

How are they this fast? I wondered as they popped up in front of me, blocking my path and making me stop once again. I changed my direction, going back towards the direction I knew Zayn’s house was. I was no match to them though; they beat me and landed in front of me once again. I had to do an unexpected move if I was going to get away, but I didn’t know what. I was starting to get tired, running in circles and zigzagged lines so they couldn’t keep up, but they did. It was like they were cats and I was the mouse. They were playing a game with me, and they knew I would lose. Their smirks never left their faces.

“Can we get her, boss?” The curly haired one asked, stopping by my side. I stood between them, boxed in. I let out whimpers that made me sound like a puppy.

“Sure Leigh, go for it,” Perrie said, giving final orders.

In one second I was pinned down, a bag thrown over my head and arms around me. A knock on my head made me black out, and for another time in my life, lying in Alaskan snow, I thought “this is it”.


When I wake up I find myself, foggy minded, sore, and tied to a chair. I force my arms against the restraints to see if I can escape, but they’ve got them tight. I notice they’ve thrown a towel over me so I’m not totally exposed, but I’m still uncomfortable against the hard metal chair.

I look up at the sound of someone’s voice, Perrie, “Good morning sunshine,” She smiles. I notice we’re in a dim room, the only lights far above my head and glowing white. The walls are cement, as well as the floor.

For a moment you could be mistaken, she’s just a sweet young girl, but she’s not. She’s evil, and once I figure out how to get myself out of here I want to rip her apart. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before, but it’s different when you’re looking in the face of a monster.

“Good morning,” I say, my voice almost poisonous with sweetness.

“It was about time you woke up, I was getting bored,” Perrie says, examining her nails casually.

“Oh no, where did your minions go?” I ask, blinking.

“They’re out doing other things,” She says with a wave of her hand dismissing my question,

“Why didn’t you just kill me when I was asleep?” I ask, stronger than I thought I could muster.

“That’s no fun, I wouldn’t be able to see the pain, hear your screams, plus India,” Perrie stops walking towards me, and leans into my face, “Who ever said I wanted to kill you?” She asks.

“I just assumed,” I say, leaning back against the chair as far as I can go, trying to get away from her,

“I just want you to leave Zayn alone,” Perrie smiles, “Clear?”

“I’m not going to do that, he’s the leader of my pack, no way can I just leave him,” I argue, unafraid. If she hasn’t hurt me yet who says she’s going to hurt me at all?

“He has no idea where you are, it’ll be like you ran home to your dumb little boring mundane life, and I can slide right back into Zayn’s arms,” Perrie pauses, “And his pants,” she adds with a wink.

“You’re disgusting,” I spit,

She doesn’t reply, her face doesn’t change and I realize I haven’t hit a soft spot on her yet.

“When will you realize Zayn doesn’t love you, why do you choose now of all times to come back to him. No other boys want you? I wonder why, you’re crazy!” I yell, my anger getting the better of me.

“He loved me first!” She screams, red faced, quickly making a move to knock my chair over. Suddenly I am falling backwards, I try to tuck my head forward but it doesn’t work. My head hits the cement quickly and I’m out, blackness enveloping my insides and the world around me. The color black is now something I’m beginning to accept very easily. How weak. 


(a/n sorry this is so short but i didnt wanna drag it on beause the next chapters going to switch perspectives) i hope you all dont hate me <3

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