Chapter 5

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(A/N two updates in one night because last chapter was soooo short. i hope you enjoy this!!) 


It’s been a week since I had seen the Alaskan snow, since I had seen Zayn, and Niall and Liam and Louisa & Harry. Zayn dropped me off at the airport, everybody tagged along. Louisa let me keep her sweater, and I was glad because I loved having them near me. As strange as that sounded.

Everybody hugged me goodbye, I made sure I saved their phone number and I made sure they had mine. Even though I only knew the strangers for a week, they weren’t so much strangers anymore.

My dad’s funeral was the worst part about being back, and hearing pity and rumors spreading around the school. I didn’t like having to see my dad cold like that again, except this time he was caked in bright pink makeup. I didn’t know which was worse on him, white or pink.

At school I had become a kind of recluse, the only person I still talked to was Nessa, only because she’s been my best friend since the womb. Literally, we were born a week apart. Me being the younger of the two.

Sometimes she knew me better than I knew myself, and I needed her more than ever now. We never really talked much about the accident when I came home, we didn’t really talk about Alaska at all.

I was tired of people whispering at school about all the things people thought happened. They thought I couldn’t hear them, but I could. So I sat in the front of all my classes, so I didn’t have to see their faces, and at lunch I shoved my headphones in and feigned sleep.

Everyone went on with their normal lives though, everything was still happening as it was before I even left. It felt weird, I felt like it was terrible to act like that when there was someone laying six feet under the ground that couldn’t do such simple tasks anymore.

But I tried to stay strong about it, I hadn’t cried since I got home. Except at the funeral, I had to be the rock for my mother. I mostly stayed silent, I let Nessa paint my nails and tell me about boys. I was hoping that would distract me and make me feel better, sometimes it did, most times it didn’t. I was slowly coming around.

I hadn’t called Zayn; I didn’t know what I’d say. My mind was racing now as I was lying in bed recalling my week, tomorrow was Monday. I didn’t want to go to school, I felt sick. I glanced at my clock, it was 2 a.m and the rest of the house was fast asleep.

I was sweating; my bed was wet with all my perspiration actually. I couldn’t take it anymore; I threw off my blankets prodding to my attached bathroom. I slipped out of my clothes, slowly feeling better having them off me. It still wasn’t enough though, so I slipped into the freezing cold stream of water coming from the shower head.

I sighed, staying under the water with my eyes closed.

God, I was feeling sleepy,

I opened my eyes; I was still in the shower with water rushing over me. My head was throbbing. Then I realized I had passed out. I stood up slowly, gripping the side of the shower. I shut off the water and stepped out,

My clock only read 2:24, so I guess I wasn’t out long. I didn’t bother putting clothes on as I fell onto my bed, only to shut my eyes and fall back into a slumber.


At six my alarm was screaming at me, I felt loads better than I had earlier, but definitely not enough to go to school. I sighed, throwing on a long t-shirt and walked down the hall to my mom’s room.

“Mom,” I whispered, standing in her door,

“Yes,” she groaned, sleepily.

“I can’t go to school I’m going to barf,”

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