Chapter 8

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(A/N) This chapters a little short but I might update twice tonight.. so yeah. One of the main reasons i continue with this fanfic is for my friend Ciara. She just recently made a wattpad and posted her first story, so if you could please go check her out... Her username is @tomlindaughter and her first story is called 'Bittersweet Discovery' 


I woke up in what felt like an oven, I was sweating profusely. I sighed, ripping the blankets off me and rolling over. It was then I realized I was alone in my bed; the previous night came back to me.

I soon realized it was really hard to breathe. That woke me up enough,

I tried to muster up my strength,

“Zayn,” I said quietly, I had a feeling he couldn’t hear me,

“Zayn,” I tried to say louder, but it hardly worked. The house around me was silent. No footsteps were heard, I frowned.

I tried to get up, but to my dismay I couldn’t. It felt like forever past when I heard heavy footsteps coming towards my door.

“Zayn,” I breathed as he entered the doorway, rushing to my side.

“I don’t feel good,” I said silently,

“India,” He said with panic in his eyes, “Are you going to pass out,”

I nodded, closing my eyes, not being able to find the strength to keep them open.

I felt his arms wrap around my body as he carried me like a baby. I didn’t know where we were going until I was put down on a hard surface, The Bathtub, I assumed.

I could hear Zayn’s voice, but I couldn’t really focus. I felt him prop me up and slide my shirt over my head. I opened my eyes and stared at Zayn silently.

I saw his lips move, “Can I take off your shorts,”

I attempted a nod, and he slipped my shorts off me. I should have felt embarrassed that I was about to pass out in just my un-matching bra and panties, in front of a boy I was slightly confused yet interested in, but all I could focus on was my shallow breaths and pounding head.

I felt the shower turn and I was relieved when the cold water hit my body,

“India can you hear me?” Zayn asked,

“Uh-huh,” I muttered, opening my eyes.

The water rushing over my body felt so much better, my breaths were coming back evenly.

“My head kills,” I murmured,

“I remember the first time I turned,” Zayn said, standing up and going through the drawers for any painkillers, after a moment he came back, sitting on the edge of the tub, “Here take these,”

He passed me the pills and started to rub my head soothingly, I felt better already. I sat up successfully.

“Don’t push yourself India,” Zayn said with concern in his voice,

“I’m not,” I replied,

We sat in silence, him at the edge of the tub, rubbing my head with the water rushing over me, and me just lying there. I wanted to move, I wanted to get up and go on with my day but I just lay there- trying to regain my strength.

“I don’t want to be a wolf,” I mumbled,

Zayn didn’t reply, we both knew that couldn’t happen. He gave me a sympathetic look.

After a few moments Zayn reached over and shut off the water. I sighed,

“Thanks,” I said softly,

“Don’t do that anymore, you scared me,” Zayn teased, reaching over and grabbing a towel.

He picked me up again, wrapping the towel around my half naked and water soaked body. I almost hated how he was treating me like a baby, but I remembered if he wasn’t then I wouldn’t even be able to move at all… I’d probably be lying in my bed passed out again.

He laid me down on the bed; I was soon enveloped by the blankets and pillows. I almost felt back to normal now. He stared down at me, his eyes were weird, and he was being hard to read.

“What is it?” I asked,

“What do you mean,” He replied, shifting his gaze and lying down on the bed by my side, still facing me.

“Where are you right now, what’s on your mind,” I asked,

He shook his head and bit his lip, breaking eye contact.

“Tell me,” I pleaded,

“I have to go back to Alaska, I can’t stay here India. But I’m worried about you so much. I don’t want to leave you, I really don’t, but since you refuse to go back with me I have no option,” He told, raising his gaze back up to me.

“Don’t leave me,” I said quietly,

“I have to India, I have priorities,” He said simply,

“What do you mean,” I said dumbly,

“There’s just a… few problems, with the pack up there that’s it,” Zayn sputtered out,

“Problems?” I asked,

“Yeah problems” He said, almost harshly, but his eyes softened, “I’m sorry India,”

I frowned, looking down, realizing I was still in only underwear. I tugged the covers to my face, still not looking at Zayn,

“Come with me, Please,” Zayn said tenderly, brushing a strand of hair out of my face.

“I can’t, you know I can’t” I said, biting my lip.

“You’ll have to eventually,” Zayn said definitely,

I thought for a moment, he was right, but I really didn’t want to cross that bridge yet.


“India,” He replied, cupping my face in his hands,

My heart started to flutter nervously,

“Can I kiss you?” Zayn asked, his golden brown eyes meeting my green ones. I nodded, but I didn’t move until he pulled my face to his, rather slowly. Our lips met in the middle, they barely grazed over each other until Zayn pressed down little harder, having full contact between the two. His rough lips moved against my soft ones, I recuperated the action slowly.

The kiss didn’t last long at all, but it left me breathless with a fast beating heart. I couldn’t help but think of Liam, and how he would feel if he ever found out.

“You should meet Max,” Zayn said, knocking me out of my thoughts, “He runs the pack in this town. He’ll take care of you when I’m not around,”

I frowned, every part of me wanted to go to Alaska with Zayn. He made me feel safe, but I had school and my mom and Nessa.

I sighed, “Let’s go then,”

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