I took kailani pacifier out her mouth and she started crying and she looked back again as I gave her , her pacifier.

"My son used to cry when his pacifier would fall out his mouth too." She said.

I smiled, "Yeah babies love their pacifier, do you only have one kid?"

"Yes but I actually just found out i'm 6 weeks pregnant so"

"Congratulations, wheres yo son now?" I asked while moving up in the line.

"Um with his dad i'm currently trying to get custody of him." She said before walking up to order her food.

She stood off to the side to wait for her order to be called then I walked up so I can order something. I don't even know what this place sell , I looked at the menu and decided to order a chilli dog and lemonade then stood off to the side too.

"I know it must be hard for you trying to get custody of your son ... I am a therapist and im willing to sit here and enjoy my food with you if you need to let some stuff off your mind because all the stress is not good for your mental health and definitely wouldn't be good for your baby. Just let me know." I said.

Both of our numbers got called at the same time. I grabbed my food then walked over to a table and sat down just in case she walks over. It's hot as fuck out here she better bring her ass over.

I seen her sit down at a different table. I started eating and looking at my phone then I heard a chair getting pulled out from in front of me. I looked up and she sat down and smiled.

"I guess there is some stuff I need to say."

I nodded.

"So me and my baby father was together for a long time and I started to get bored and started cheating on him. He took me back after finding out but I was still doing it and this time he left me and took my son with him. Now I have no idea where he's at with my son and now i'm pregnant with another guy baby. I know I was wrong for cheating but I just want my son." She said.

"Who do your son wants to stay with" I asked.

"His dad but i'm better fit to take care of him."

"I've had a lot of divorced couples come in with this same situation.. the child would rather stay with one parent and the other parent takes them away not caring about what the child want .. I'm not saying you don't care but from what i've seen when a parent take the child away from the parent they want to live with they grow to dislike you and be angry with you just because you took them away. If I was you I would talk to my baby father let him know that i'm going to let him have full custody as long as I can come and see him whenever I want and maybe get him during summer."

"But what if I don't have time to visit him a lot." She said.

"Then you wouldn't be fit to have full custody of him either because the lack of attention he'd receive. Drop that case let him stay with his father because if not then you will have a child who'll grow to be angry with you and not respect you." I said.

She sighed, "I have to think about this."

I finished my hot dog and lemonade then got up.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2021 ⏰

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