Chapter 25: The Offer

Start from the beginning

I took a look at the papers to see all the words that we uttered since we first walked in here. Loki scoffed. "It's a parlor trick."

"Okay...Don't you wonder how I'm able to get out of the way just before you kill me?" He who remains inquired.

"No. It's because you of that little TemPad you have there." Sylvie rebuked.

It makes sense. Or perhaps a time twister that he has hidden under his robes. He who remains continued to insist though. "But how do I already have it loaded up with everything I need to know to keep from being killed by you five? It's easy. I know it all. And I've seen everything."

I crossed my arms. "Sure you have."

"It's true. I saw everything you guys did on Lamentis. All the stuff the TVA didn't know about, I knew. All the scheming. I even saw the looks you gave each other in the cave." He who remains mentioned as he looked at Loki and me. "The hug by the lake, the kiss in the Void. Quite sentimental, very touching stuff, by the way."

Loki and I exchanged sheepish looks. Sylvie shook her head. "No. We broke out of your little game."

"Yeah, that's how we got here." Seda chimed in.

"No, wrong. Every step you took to get here, Lamentis, the Void, I paved the road. just walked down it." He who remains corrected. "And I have the rest, uh, right here."

He then flipped through more pages of his book before laying them down on the desk. "Everything, that's uh...that's going to happen. There's only one way this can go."

"Then why are we here?" Sylvie inquired.

"Oh, come on. You know you can't get to the end until you've been changed by the journey. This stuff, it needs to happen. To get us all in the right mind set to finish the quest." He who remains mentioned.

"Right." Loki said.

He who remains nodded. "Right."

"So, it's all a game. It's all...a manipulation." Loki commented.

"Interesting, that your head would go to that. Sylvie, Seda, Storm, you think you can trust this guy?" He who remains inquired.

Loki looked over at me. "Don't listen to him."

"Don't listen to him." He who remains mocked him before he laughed before looking at Sylvie. "Do you think you're even capable of trusting anyone at all."

"Seda, you're different than the other Storms. You have trouble seeing what the others see, and it's nearly impossible for you to put your trust in someone who isn't family." He who remains continued. He then glanced over at me. "And you, well, you trust too much, too easily."

I scoffed. "That's not true."

"Ah, but you believe Loki can change." He who remains protested. "You think he won't betray you, won't stab you in the back at the first chance he gets."

"Because I know he won't." I protested. "Loki has a—"

"A heart of gold?" He who remains suggested, finishing my sentence. "You always see the good in others, never giving up on others..."

I grabbed the tea that lied next to me. I refused to respond to his words. As I took a sip, the bitter taste of the green tea hit my tongue. I grimaced. It had been a while since I had this tea, so I had forgotten how bitter it was. But the amount of caffeine didn't bother me, I had caf daily, so I was use to the caffeine. Nevertheless, I could feel all eyes on me.

"It's an admirable trait, really. But like your grandfather said, he's a Loki. Can you truly trust him?" He who remains taunted.

"That's enough." Loki warned, sending He who remains a death glare.

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