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Taehyung's POV

I get out of that room and lock her in. 

I run through the hallway and soon as I reach the living room, I fall on my knees.

My body is shivering....... I feel cold yet I am sweating like crazy. 

My heart..... it's paining...... I  feel an unexplainable heaviness in my chest. 

I raise my hand and put it on my chest unable to bear the pain.

My breaths are uneven and ragged. I feel breathless......


H-how did I end up going back to my past ??!!! How ??!!

If not for her kick in my stomach and if not for her words...... I can't even imagine what would have happened !!

I feel my eyes watering. With tears running down my face and my hand still on my chest I get up slowly and with an unstable gait, I reach the couch a few steps away.

I sit on it and close my eyes. Covering my face, trying to hide my tears...... I try to hold in my sobs but it seems like I can't really hold it in anymore.

I don't even know when my sobs turned into wailing. 

I can see my dark future..... my child's dark future..... 

Kim Taehyung !! Stop it !! Your child..... he won't like this side of yours..... he'd despise you after finding out about your sadistic tendencies...... Don't go back to the past Taehyung...... Your brothers, your son..... don't ruin their lives...... *Wails*

I went overboard with Y/n..... Whoever she is, she will get what she deserves but I shouldn't have taken things in my hands...... I shouldn't have tried to control everything...... Look where you ended up Taehyung after trying to control everything by yourself !

Now I feel like I am going back to square one...... But I don't want to deal with any of that anymore..... I am scared I won't be able to handle the situation like I did earlier......

But she is a threat to my brothers..... I have gone through loss of the love of my life and I know it isn't a walk in the park. How do I let her break my brothers' hearts just like that ?!

I just wanted to protect my brothers but here I am..... I've become a mess again...... If I damage myself even more, my brothers will have to go through all of that once again..... *Sobs*

I should just keep her here and let her reflect on her mistakes. I hope that's enough. I don't want to ruin any life anymore.

I just hope she learns her lesson and understands that she should not get in my way and especially when it involves my family. 

But it takes two to tango..... I can't just sit and keep on watching her dislapidate my brothers' lives......

I can only control myself if she stops as well.

I will definitely try not to go overboard with her but in case she doesn't understand then there are several other ways I can destroy her without even touching her by myself. I can't let my brothers hurt and break for a girl especially when she's such a manipulator and a big liar......

She hid everything about her dating Jungkook and even living with him and when confronted, she didn't even accept it for once.

Thankfully today when I went to the mall after the meeting to buy Dohyun's gift, I met Jungkook's mom. She told me about her and Jungkook's relationship status and about her living with him. If not for her, things would have gotten worse with time.

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