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Taehyung's POV

I completed my work and went downstairs after an hour. Jimin was sitting on the chair and Dohyun was in his lap. He was sleeping peacefully in his uncle's arms.

Jimin saw me and smiled, I smiled back. I reached and sat on the chair on the opposite side of the table.

Taehyung : Did he fall asleep ? *Looking at Dohyun* *Smiling*.

Jimin : Yes , He must have been tired.... And so are you ! You look like you haven't slept properly for years.

Taehyung : Umm.... You know I can't leave work and as soon as my mind is free , I start thinking about the past. All those things come to me again and again. I want to get over all of those things but I haven't been able to yet. So, I just keep working until I exhaust myself to stay away from those memories.

Jimin : Yes , I understand but sometimes your body needs a break. It can't work without proper rest and sleep. *Worried*

Taehyung : Hmm. I understand. Anyways , I remembered ! You are finding a secretary for me ? Why ? It's not your work , it's the work of the HR team. It's not even your office. What are you upto all of a sudden ?!

Jimin : *Chokes on the cookie piece which he ate a second ago* No ! Nothing ! *Coughing*

Taehyung : *Passing water to him* Are you okay ?

Jimin : Yes ! Yes ! *Drinks water* *Slowly stops coughing* Umm... You know.... I-I took a break right ? *Gulps in nervousness* So..... I have been feeling way too vacant recently.... So.... I-I just thought that maybe.... maybe I can help you with work. *Looking away* *Scared to get caught by Taehyung*

Taehyung : You can help me with work for sure but that won't be a "Break" then right ? *Suspicious* *Confused*. It isn't a break when you are still working. Are you hiding something from me Jimin ? *Tries to look in his eyes*

Jimin : *Eyes widen in nervousness* Of course not Taehyung ! Why would I hide anything from you ?! *Looks at Taehyung trying to look as calm as possible* *Smiles*.

Taehyung : Hmm . Right. *Still suspicious* Anyways, do whatever makes you comfortable. Let's order some food. I am going for some fried chicken. What do you want to eat ?

Jimin : Fried chicken for me as well !

Finally we order food and continue our talks while eating.

Jimin's POV

I can't tell Taehyung about Y/n at the moment. If I tell him about her , he would be questioning so many things and in the process he might find out that Dohyun ran away from home again. If this happens *Shivers internally* *Worried* he's going to be extremely mad at him. Last time he was scared sick and literally lost it when he found him back ! He literally fired every single staff at home. He reacted like a deadly volcano , erupting so badly , burning everything coming in its way. *Shivers*
Thankfully Yoongi hyung was there to calm him down or else god knows what would have happened that day !

We finally ate everything. I saw the time and realised it's already past lunch hour.

Jimin : So, Taehyung , it's already past lunch hour and Dohyun is still asleep. You won't be able to be with him all the time. What if he wakes up and finds no one around ? Should I take him home ?

Taehyung : Why ? Can't you stay a bit more ? I will be done soon. We can eat dinner together with Dohyun in the evening.

Jimin : The thing is , I have to go back to my parent's home in the evening, my mom and dad are calling me for a family dinner. So, I can't stay here with Dohyun. It's better if he's at home alone rather than being alone here in your office. Atleast there are care takers and maids who are familiar to him. He still doesn't know the locations and rooms here in the office. And a lot of employees still don't know about him being your son. What do you think we should do ? *Raising his eyebrows questioningly*

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