Chapter 24: Facing Alioth

Start from the beginning

"Remember what I said? I'll always find my way back to you, darling. I promise you." Loki reminded me.

He then raised a hand up to my cheek. Without thinking twice, I leaned into his touch. Loki's face softened at once. He slowly leaned in, and instead of pulling away, I closed my eyes. As soon as our lips met, I felt as though many carrier butterflies erupt in my stomach. Immediately, I deepened the kiss, moving my hands up towards his hair, while his hands rested around my waist. It felt magical, unlike anything else. As we pulled away from the kiss, Loki and I leaned our foreheads against each other, wearing huge grins.

"It'll be all right." Loki assured me.

I gave him a nod. I have to trust him. He knows what he's doing. With that, Loki ran off to distract Alioth. Dooku let out a sigh as he took out his lightsaber from his belt.

"I shall help distract the beast." Dooku offered. "It'll but you three more time."

Seda and I gave him a nod, which he returned along with a small smile. He then stormed off in the opposite direction. Seda glanced over at me. "You ready?"

I let out a shaky breath. "Ready."

As green beams emerged from Sylvie's hands, Seda extended her left hand out towards me, which I took. I then raised my left hand towards Alioth as I turned to face him. Loki and Dooku went their separate ways, trying to distract the creature. I took in a deep breath.

"I am one with the Force, the Force is with me." I chanted.

Seda then chimed in. "I am one with the Force, the Force is with me."

I closed my eyes as I reached out to the Force, feeling my surroundings, especially Alioth. I reluctantly let down my defenses, prepared to make a connection with him. In a matter of seconds, I felt his anger, his pain, his suffering, and his deep connection to the dark side. As soon I had connected with him, I felt his emotions overwhelm me, pulling me dangerously close to the dark side. I let out a gasp, feeling my power slowly draining.

"Focus Storm." Seda urged.

I hesitated. "I can't do it, Seda. It's too much for me..."

I then heard Loki's and Dooku's screams. "No!"

Confused and worried, I opened my eyes. And as my eyes were open, I saw the red glowing jaws of Alioth just a few feet away from us. My eyes widened in horror. The connection I had with Alioth was now gone as I broke my concentration. I placed a trembling hand around the hilt of my lightsaber, which hung in my belt. I kept my gaze on Alioth, prepared to fight to the death. If this is the end, then so be it.

All of the sudden, green light emerged from behind Alioth, capturing his attention. He let out another roar before turning around. We saw the older Loki not far from us, surrounded by his illusion of Asgard, which I recognized from Loki's file back in the time theater. I looked around in awe. It definitely looked so lifelike. Loki and Dooku rushed back towards us as Alioth made his way towards the older Loki and his illusion of Asgard.

"How is he doing that?" Sylvie questioned.

"I think we're stronger than we realize." Loki mentioned.

"Go!" The older Loki shouted.

Sylvie then grabbed Loki's hand, baffling him. Loki glanced over at her. "What are you doing?"

"We're going to enchant it." Sylvie explained.

"I don't know how." Loki argued.

"You do. Because we're the same." Sylvie protested.

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