Chapter 20: The Plan

Start from the beginning

He then raised his goblet. "Gods of Outcasts."

Boastful Loki and kid Loki lifted their drinks to the old Loki's toast. I decided to change the subject. "How was your wife, Sigyn?"

A smile appeared on the older Loki's face. "She was beautiful. Sigyn was a princess from Alfheim. We grew up together. And in time, we fell in love. But alas, fate was not kind to me. Odin arranged a marriage between her and Thor to keep our kingdoms united."

"What happened?" I questioned.

"Well, the day of the wedding came, and I trapped Thor in his chambers, which wasn't too hard. Then, I disguised myself as Thor and the wedding went on. Once Odin pronounced Sigyn and me as husband and wife, I lifted my illusion. Odin was furious, he tried to undo what was done." The older Loki informed us as a smile grew on his face. "But Sigyn stopped him, saying she was more than happy to remain my side. And so she was named the Goddess of Fidelity. She remained by my side until Thanos and his children arrived."

I noticed tears forming in the older Loki's eyes, which he did his best to push back. That sounds bittersweet. After the older Loki finished his story, Boastful Loki then spoke up. "My wife, Siriana, she was an Asgardian noble. We grew up together, and eventually we fell in love. Our wedding happened, just a year before Thor's coronation. But unfortunately, she was killed by Thanos instead of me...and she was pregnant with our child."

There were tears in Boastful Loki's eyes, which he quickly wiped. My eyes widened in horror. I had forgotten that I was holding Loki's hand as I accidentally squeezed his hand. I then felt my hand being squeezed back. And that's when I glanced down, seeing our hands were still intertwined. I felt my face heat up, so I looked away, not wanting Loki to see me blushing. Fortunately, kid Loki spoke up, telling us about the girl who I resembled.

"Solveig, she was an Asgardian warrior, one of the her sister, Sif. She was the only one who believed in me." Kid Loki informed us. "She was my best friend..."

Why do I get the feeling that something bad happened to her? With that in mind, I blurted out. "What happened to her?"

His face fell. "I killed was meant to be a prank. But it backfired on me. Solveig was the first to find me...I'll never forget the look on her face. She looked horrified, I tried to explain what happened, but before I could say anything, the TVA came and took me away."

I winced. That sounded awful. The older Loki let out a sigh. "We aren't meant to have a happy ending with our family and sweethearts. Like I said, we're Gods of Outcasts, and that's all we'll ever be."

"I'm going." Loki announced as he stood up from his chair, letting go of my hand.

"Going where?" Boastful Loki questioned.

"Out of this place, out of the Void, back to the TVA. We're as good as escaping as we are surviving. That gives me a descent chance." Loki mentioned.

"You won't do either, you'll be murdered." The older Loki protested.

Loki shrugged. "Well, so be it. That was my destiny to begin with."

"You're different. Why?" Kid Loki inquired.

"No, I'm not, you see? I'm the same, really. I'm the same as all of you." Loki corrected. "Have any of you met a woman Variant of us?"

Older Loki grimaced. "Sounds terrifying."

"Oh, she is. But that's kind of what's great about her. She's different. She's not trying to take over the TVA, she's trying to take it down." Loki informed them.

My heart clenched. Perhaps Mobius was right after all, maybe Loki did fall for Sylvie. And as hard as that was to wrap around my head. However, if Loki was happy, then so was I, even if I wasn't the one who he ended up with. And it was at that moment that I realized something that I had feared would happen, I'm in love with Loki, but he didn't love me back.

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