On the way out, Heat almost bumped into a certain person, but he didn't pay much to the orange hair female. "Hm? Wasn't that guy from Kids gang?" Nami looked at Vivi, who was wearing an expression of shock, "N-Nami..." "What happen? Are you okay?" Viví's finger shook violently as it pointed towards you and Penguin, "Penguin and Y/n...?!" Nami quickly snapped her head to the two of you and shook violently from anger, "Damn it, he's going to win the bet! We have to stop him from trying to hook Y/n up with Law!" Vivi nodded, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." Nami and Vivi requested a table behind the two of you. They will be going "spy" mode.

"Hm? Shanks aren't they some of your homeroom students?" Marco pointed towards the four of you, him being glad that he found something to shut Shanks up from talking about his ex wife leaving him. "Oh yeah it is! I should...wait a second. I can find out what's going on with Y/n!" Shanks begin to laugh like a villain, making the people around them look at him with worried written all over their faces. Marco rolled his eyes, 'Why did pops make me come here?!'

Drake walked in the building, looking around he raised an eyebrow at the sight of Shanks spying on someone while Marco had his hand on his head from disappointment. Nami and Vivi glaring towards their neighbors, which Shanks also seem to be spying on. Drake finally look towards the culprit and choke on his saliva at the sight of YOU, the person who hates everyone, on a date with Penguin, 'What am I watching...' "What are you doing here?" Drake turned around and looked towards Hawkins, who didn't show any emotions. Drake took a glance behind Hawkins and notice two of his man. Drake scuffed, "You don't own this restaurant, so you have no right to ask me that question." Hawkins and Drake now began to glare at each other, making the poor front lady shake in fear. "S-Sir's...p-please don't cause a ruckus inside..." "Hugh!?"

Turning to look at the event happening at the front of the restaurant, you raised an eyebrow at the sight of Hawkins and Drake going at each other's throats. "What's up with them?" Penguin shrugged his shoulders, "Who knows. Are you done eating your food?" "No, because you ordered me a shit ton." Penguin laughed nervously, "Let me help then!"

Penguin and you both walked out after paying and parted ways. You dropped off the stuff to your grandma and went straight home, but never arrived due to Ace kidnapping you to his house.

"It's your turn!" Ace handed you the controller, "I don't know how to play." "It's easy, just spam whatever, like I do!" Koala laughed nervously, making you nod slowly. Koala has been distancing away from Sabo, because you two were "dating", and she didn't want you to know that Sabo was "cheating" on you with her. Even though, you knew. Sabo was also part of the plan with Koala, but what bothered you was why hasn't he broken up with you? Shaking your head from letting the thoughts come in, you looked at the big screen and played a 1 v 1 with Luffy, who kept screaming at every move he did with his character. "Time out!" Luffy paused the game and now everyone looked at Sabo, "This is cheating, let Y/n read at least one code!" "Ooh, that's smart! She can beat Luffy!" Ace grin wide as you thanked Sabo and looked at the codes. You scroll down on all of them and clicked out. "Alright, let's play." Everyone blinked twice, but Luffy didn't hesitate and did as told.

"Y/n...you didn't even look at none of them..."

The four teens gawked at the amazing skills you've encounter, and saw how naturally you did each moves on the game.

A/n: If you haven't realize, they're playing Mortal Kombat X

"Wow..." Ace hugged you tightly at your victory, as Luffy cried in defeat. Koala frown at the sight of Sabo admiring you with a warm smile. "You're so cool, Y/n! You learned all of the characters combat moves in one go!" You smiled nervously, "Thanks..." Sabo kicked Ace away and glared at him. "Mine." Ace glared at him, "Hugh?!" Ace then pointed at Koala, making Sabo and Koala pale. You raised an eyebrow, 'Is Ace really going to expose him now? Go Ace!!' Ace put his finger away and sat down, cursing underneath his breath, "What's up with you, Ace?" Ace shook his head and smiled at you, "Nothing~" You pat his head as he began to cuddle with your touch, making you shake your head with a small smile. Sabo frown and then took the controller away from Luffy, and gave it to Koala. "Y/n, it's my turn." "Oh, here you go." You placed the controller on his hand and looked at Luffy, who smiled wide and walked towards the kitchen, "Luffy, can you get me a water?" "Nope! If you want it, come get one!" You glared at him, but sighed in defeat and followed after him.

"So...how long are you going to keep this up, Sabo?" Ace laid on the floor, with one hand supporting his head. "That's none of your business." Ace stood up and looked down at Ace, making Koala flinch and ready to stop the two from fighting, "It is my business. You're not only "cheating" on Y/n with Koala, but you're also seem to lie to her about you know what exactly I'm talking about." Sabo pushed Ace away, "You and me both know that Y/n will not...care about this..." Koala raised an eyebrow as she couldn't hear the last part, since Sabo began to whisper. Ace laughed, "Then tell her now! Or I will!"

"Woah, everything okay?" Luffy and you both walked in the living room, confuse at why the two older brothers were fighting. Sabo shook his head, "No, everything is okay!" Ace rolled his eyes, "Unbelievable..." He then walked towards the front door, "Where are you going?" Luffy tilted his head, Ace waved everyone a goodbye, "I'm leaving to buy food from a fast food. Text me whatever you want!" Ace then slammed the door shut.

"What happen between you and Ace, Sabo?" You crossed your arms, waiting for the blond male to respond, "Nothing, really...we just had a little disagreement on something." You nodded slowly, "Right..."

A/n: Do y'all want me to add Drake and Hawkins to the love interest? Anyways, hopefully you enjoyed today's chapter, oof.

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