Prologue: Adam - Ultimate Goal

Start from the beginning

"today, the Scandinavian Union sent 'multi-role' diplomats to every European country and empire. The exact purpose of these actions was given as stated here by Ismilda herself: 'I believe in a happy and friendly cooperation between all the nations of this devastated Europe. So I have sent many diplomats to every nation in Europe. These diplomats are happy to help their selected country with any, and all troubles' this strange act has caused unrest among many paranoid people in all the countries of Europe" what is Ismilda's plan? Why is she doing something like this? What is she trying to accomplish?

"one of the diplomats look like one of the older prisoners from the facility. I recognize her silk hair" indeed, the next diplomat to appear onscreen is a young lady with long, white hair. She has hollowed-out eyes and is showing no emotion. Her movements look smooth and normal, but her facial expression is frozen in a neutral pose.

"what do you think Ismilda has planned for the nations of Europe?" if Ismilda has found a way to control us, then that would mean that her end goal is to seize control of Europe-hell, maybe even the world. I am concerned with some of the prisoners working for Ismilda.

"I do not know, but I sure do know that I do not want to end up like that lady" I would rather die than be ordered around by Ismilda. I would never do anything for that monster.

"what if Ismilda does that to us when she captures us? We would become her slaves!" Sally's fears are the same as mine. I do not want to join Ismilda, even by force.

"our situation has changed. We should train hard, and fast. We have to stop Ismilda before she becomes too powerful" 8Z is right, we need to strike at her when we are powerful enough to hold our own. But we also need to strike as soon as possible. The moment Ismilda takes control of Europe is the moment we lose the war against her.

"we will triple our efforts in training every single one of those who we have saved from the facility. Once we are able to fight against a whole army, we will be ready to face Ismilda" 8Z and Sally both make determined expressions to my words.

"we will strike Ismilda down, and we shall save the world from the danger that she poses" 8Z raises his hand and forms a fist. Even if we are going to fight Ismilda, we should act when the time is right, and when Ismilda is at her weakest. After all, 5X is under her command, so we will be having a hard time keeping him occupied while we try to kill Ismilda.

"we will have to put a few plans in place for dealing with 5X and Ismilda's other powerful allies" Sally and 8Z are in agreement with my point. We will have to defeat 5X first if we are to defeat Ismilda.

"who knows, we might come across people in power who want Ismilda to be taken down" 8Z's optimism is something we are going to need a lot of, if we are going to defeat Ismilda. Because of her sudden rise to power and the growing threat of the Scandinavian Union, many neighboring European nations are concerned with their borders. If we can manage to ally with a European nation, we might be able to beat Ismilda. But we are faced with the great problem of just being a group of kids. No one would ever trust us enough to ally, so we would have to swoop in and quickly ally with a nation which Ismilda is going to invade. It is only a matter of time before she tries to take control of Europe.

"there is a chance we can strike at Ismilda while she is leading her forces in a war against another nation. That way, we would be able to have an advantage against her unprepared forces" this is going to be the best choice we can get. I just hope Ismilda is going to declare war against a nation at the best time, for us to strike at her and bring a swift victory. I look through the window of the VIP room and gaze down at some of the training kids in the field inside of the stadium. Two are using their weak magic powers against each other to see who can hit the other the most.

"do you think we are going to be prepared for a fight anytime soon?" 8Z steps beside me and looks down to the kids training on the field. He obviously means the weak magic the kids below us are using.

"if every single one of us can achieve a good enough strength in our specific roles and skills, we should be able to defeat Ismilda" 8Z looks unsure to my answer and continues to look at the kids.

"even if their technology is far more advanced than ours?" at this point, I would not be surprised if the advanced tanks, attack helicopters, rifles, environmental equipment and bladed weapons from Greece are now being produced in the Scandinavian Union. But we do have something they do not.

"they may have their technology, but we have supernatural powers that will help us with defeating Ismilda" Even though I believe we will stand a chance against her, we will logically lose. The newest advancements from Greece are always keeping the empire ahead of the rest of the world, and maintaining a solid hold of the title of the world power, one of the only empires to survive the Great War and the true victor in every front of the war. Winning in the African Front first, then the South American Front second, the Eastern Front third, The North American Front fourth and lastly the Western Front, ending the war. The Papal State, Valkyria and The Japanese Empire took land too, sadly all but Japan fractured in the years after the war. Greece won the Great war due to it's advanced technology and industry. This is why we fear the power of Greece, and how Ismilda has the possibility to acquire the methods to building such weapons.

"even if we have the power to blow up a whole tank, we would still have to destroy another one hundred in order to make a dent in their numbers" 8Z's optimism is now gone, with the thought of powerful enemies flooding his mind. It is definitely hard to try to not worry about all the potential factors in the eventual battle. But we will fight till the end, even if we are ultimately defeated by Ismilda and her forces.

"we will continue our discussion later, but now I have to talk to 7I and 15K" 8Z nods and I exit the VIP room to find 7A and 15K. They were not a part of our original group, but they were still a part of the main group that we helped when Edvardshagen was in chaos. Their room should be one of the spectator boxes on the east side of the stadium, so it will take some time to walk over to their side. I am glad that I was able to save as many people as I was able to. During the chaotic battle for control of the city, the evacuation was a disaster, which left many innocent people dead. I could only focus on my friends at the time, but could I have possibly been able to save other people? The thought has started to become increasingly more troubling for me, but I can not remove the thought from my mind.

"-hey 2V, are you coming to the east side of the stadium to see us?" a voice I have only heard once previously, approaches beside me. 9Y walks u to me and matches my pace, walking beside me. It seems she is happy to see me coming this way.

"yeah, I want to make sure you guys are alright. Do you believe we will be able to bring Ismilda down?" 9Y grins and clenches her fist.


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