Messed Up Minds

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Two days after sealing the Calamity


Zelda's POV

The calming glow from the flickering candles filled the main room of Impa's home. My eyes studied the dancing flames of the two candles resting on one of the small nightstands from across the room. Outside, the night sky was filled with the sound of thunder and rain crying out over Hyrule, the moonlight covered by their darkness.

I took in deep breaths, holding my knees up to my chest. Impa's home was beautiful, Kakariko itself held such beauty even after Hyrule suffered 100 years of ruin. When I first saw Impa again I almost broke down into tears, it took everything in me not to. I wasn't in sorrow because she was older now, in fact seeing her older filled me with joy, she was able to survive the calamity and live a meaningful life. It was the idea that she had to grow old alone, my best friend. Someone that I was raised with and dreamed of spending the rest of my life with, raising families together, and growing old together, all of those dreams gone now.

When I asked about Purah, she only silently shook her head. Link whispered to me he would explain later.

After the battle, after he told me of the Elder Impa in Kakariko village, there was no where else that I felt safe going. With open arms, and many tears, Impa took us both into her home for the night.

She moved her pillows to the upstairs room and her granddaughter, Paya, made makeshift beds out of spare blankets and pillows on the floor. Granddaughter. My mind still couldn't comprehend it, not only did she once have a child but she was even blessed with a beautiful granddaughter. I still haven't asked about what happened to her children, if I ever would, I wasn't sure of.

So much to take in, so much to understand, so much I have missed.

I turned my head to look towards the sleeping Knight a few feet away from me. It didn't take long for him to fall asleep, I couldn't blame him. After his strenuous battle with Ganon, he probably wanted to sleep for another hundred years.

Watching him, seeing his chest slowly rise and fall as he slept, he didn't feel real. Every second I was imprisoned in that castle, fighting the Calamity, I dreamt of seeing him again. Now that he was actually here, it felt as some dream I was soon to wake up from.

He is here, he is alive.

The first moment I saw him again in front of me, the single sight of him left me breathless. I still haven't been able to fully breath since.

I looked forward again and my eyes fell onto the small satchel across the room laying opened on the table. Peaking out was my old diary.

Throughout the hundred years of destruction, it survived. Link told me how he found it while searching through the castle, he thought of me and decided to take it and return it to me. I didn't ask if he had read any of it and even if he did, I wouldn't of cared. He deserves to know everything, every truth about me. After what he did for me and my kingdom, I owe him everything. He could've easily woken up and never cared to seek me out again, lived the rest of his days how ever he wanted to in Hyrule or even sailed far, far away from this ruined world. Yet, he stayed and somehow still cared enough about me to think of returning my old diary.

I quietly pushed myself off of the pile of blankets below me and stepped over to the table, pulling out the diary. As I returned to the bed, I slid my finger along the front cover. I have yet to look inside, I felt a rush of emotions as I flipped open the book, reading the first journal entry.

I wrote about my power, the Champions, Link, my father. Tears filled my eyes as I read through, so many memories.

I was impressed with how much he remembers. The pictures on the Sheikah Slate worked amazingly along with the aid of Impa. He went to each location and Impa filled in the spots that she could. He had many questions for me though and I know he will have many more in the coming days. So many areas in his memory were still a black void to him, only remembering key parts that the locations reminded him of.

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