Prince of Rito Village

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Zelda's POV

The morning air was crisp, seeping through the open walls of the Swallow's Roost Inn. I raised out of the bed and stretched all my limbs, them feeling relieved to finally have rest after the long journey to Rito. I looked in the bed beside mine, the knight must've already rose to begin his day. I walked out of the inn and took in the beauty that was Rito Village. The Ritos were beautiful and all unique in their own ways, I absolutely admired their way of life. Their homes all out of wood, no windows and no doors, allowing nature to always be at their side overlooking the cold world of Tabantha. Child Ritos ran around the large wooden structures while singing and playing, my heart warmed at their happiness, oblivious to the events occurring throughout the rest of Hyrule. Let me stay in this moment forever, I thought to myself. 

As I walked around, having no exact destination I caught glimpse of my knight, he sat with his feet dangling off of one of the openings where Rito would usually jump to fly along with the wind. A Rito sat next to him, cleaning a large bow in hand, Teba. Link and him were most likely discussing the past events, trying to devise a plan and how to keep everyone safe. Not wanting to disturb them, I continued walking and soon caught glimpse of Teba's wife, Saki. She was the most beautiful of the Ritos, there was no denying it. Her feathers were a lavender with long pink ones curling on the back of her head, her eyes were gentle and always painted with lavish colors. She saw my glance and waved at me, ushering me to join her in her home. Since the Ritos way of life was so open, it was normal to walk into others houses without them caring, so I proceeded in to the comfort of her home, she sat on a cushion on the wood floor drinking a light green tea and tapped the cushion beside her for me to join.

"I was expecting to see you after Link checked in on us this morning, Him and Teba have been discussing all morning. Such seriousness with those two." Her voice was light and airy, almost sounding like music when mixed with the breeze.

"When did Link come to check in? I noticed his absence at the inn this morning." I replied as she handed me a cup of the warm tea, it tasted of berries and herbs.

"At sunup I believe, I wasn't fully awake but I heard them exchange a few words and then off they went to discuss situations in more of a private area." She continued on. "Please, dear Princess, I see the strain in your heart. Tell me what is the matter and how may I sooth you." 

With a deep breath I remembered the past few months events. Starting with the first time he was captured, fighting along side the Sheikah, rescuing Link and a former Yiga, the castle, the premonitions, everything. I felt safe here and with her, I knew to trust her was my smartest decision while being here. She had power within the Rito, being Teba's wife, and that was just it, she was Teba's wife. He may be stubborn and their past champion, Revali, may not have cared for my knight so much but Teba put that past aside and he would fight by our sides no matter what. Great worry spread on her face with each story, then I mentioned the stab wound and how I worried for the pain Link was in, and how he was ignoring it. She placed her teacup down and placed her wing on my shoulder.

"Dear Princess Zelda, us Rito have resources that may greatly aid Link while he heals. Ask anytime, and I shall provide. And with the other issues, Teba will aid you, I know he may be intimidating to confront but please do ask for his assistance. We know how Link was once treated by our beloved Revali, we would like to correct those wrongs of our late Champion." Her voice glided out. 

"Thank you Saki, your kindness means everything to us. I'm so tired of being scared and running and fighting. I want nothing more than peace for me and my knigdom. Most of all Link." I took a breath and responded.

"I may not be a Princess but I do know that with a kingdom, peace is rare. Your knight may not know peace because he loves your kingdom, and is determined to protect it. With that, peace may never be." Her statement hung in the air as she stood to grab something from the dresser near her.

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