Who Are You?

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Before sealing Calamity Ganon


Link's POV

My legs nearly gave out below me as I tried to sit in front of the campfire I built a few moments ago. I pressed my hand onto my bicep along the gash that was bleeding through my bandages. I cursed under my breath and grabbed onto the red bandana wrapped around my head and yanked it off, letting my hair fall over my shoulders. Everything was sore, from climbing, running, and fighting. 

My whole body screamed at me to give up, all of this pain is not worth it. 

I did my best to ignore that inner screaming.

I looked over the cliffside of Mable Ridge, giving me a clear view of the castle. The dark... power swirled around it. The women from the village, Impa I think her name is, told me she could still be in there. A princess was trapped in that castle of darkness, waiting for her knight to rescue her. 

I was supposed to be that knight. I was awoken from a mysterious slumber to save her. Impa told me a few things about the Princess, and about who I once was, the person who used to belong to this body. I followed her, ordered by the King himself to protect her everywhere she went. The ghostly apparition told me this story too, saying he was once the king, her father. 

I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to pull these clues together, tried to find that person I supposedly once was. When I tried to see it, see her, nothing showed but a black void. 

"Who are you?" I whispered to myself. Rubbing my hands over my eyes. 

Both the King's ghost and Impa told me my name was Link. The voice that pulled me from my slumber called me by this name too. I recited it in my head hoping that the name would bring back anything, still nothing but a void in my memory. 

I pulled my hands away from my eyes and blinked the tears away that was rising in them. My eyes fell onto the castle again, even with my legs in burning pain, I pushed myself up and walked over to the edge of the cliffside to face it. 

"Who are you?" I asked again, unsure of who I wanted to answer. "Who am I?"

I hoped to hear her voice once more, the same voice that pulled me from the darkness. My only response was silence. "Are you even alive?" I whispered. 

My eyes glanced down to the cliff, gazing to the bottom below. Was this journey, fighting for someone I didn't know, living in a body I didn't recognize, was this even worth it? I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes, trying once more to remember. Still, a cold darkness roamed within my mind.

My eyes opened again to see the castle, she was in there. Fighting for a hundred years, waiting for me to return to her. I shook my head quickly and backed away from the edge. 

I walked back over to the small campfire and sat in front of it, watching the flames dance in the night's wind. My fingertips reached down into a pouch on my hip and grabbed onto a roll of white cloth. With a deep breath, I began unwrapping the blood stained bandages around my bicep, the pain becoming more intense with each second. I threw the soiled cloth into the fire and quickly wrapped on the new one the best I could. 

I focused on my wrapping while going through the little pieces of the puzzle I knew. A young girl, Purah, revealed images on the Sheikah Slate apparently taken by the Princess, memories her and I shared together. Tonight, I would go and search for one of these locations. 

I used my hand to put one end of the bandage in my mouth and then grabbed onto the other end and pulled as tight as I could to secure the wound. I then tightened the bandana once more around my head, pulling my hair from my face. As I stood, I reached down to grab the slate from my hip and the screen revealed to me a map of this kingdom named Hyrule. Though I was only able to see a small portion of the map, it was enough for me to understand where I needed to go next. 

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