Written In Legends

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Zelda's POV

The rain became harder and thunder boomed through the skies as I returned to Kakariko. When I arrived at the steps of Impa's home, I jumped off Epona, my breath heavy and unstable. My eyes were sore from tears and my body became more tired, but I ignored all the pain, I had to be quick, for him. Right before I started up the steps to her home one of the guards stopped me.

"Princess? What is the matter? Where is your knight?" The guard quickly asked.

"Please I need to see Impa, we were attacked by Yiga." I snapped back at him, rushing for help. The guard nodded at the other guard and started up the steps with me. I pushed through Impa's door, Paya stood near a table against the wall, changed into her night clothes while Impa sat in her usual position on pillows in the center of the room. Paya quickly glanced over, panic quickly forming on her face.

"P-princess? Are you alright? Where is Link?" She rushed over to me and grabbed my hands. I tried to speak but no words came out. Tears fell from my eyes again and I collapsed to the floor. The guard walked to speak silently with Impa as Paya joined me on the ground. I looked up at her and the flung my arms around her, bawling louder now. She held me there on the ground rubbing her hands through my hair.

"Oh Paya, it was awful. He's gone. They took him and now I've lost him again. I've lost my knight. and I have no clue what to do or how to get him back!" I whimpered, my breathing completely out of control, tears burned my face.

I heard Impa stand and walk over towards me, her fragile hand rested on my back. "Paya, please take the princess upstairs to your room. She will stay with us until her knight is returned. We Mustn't let her out of our sight." She spoke with her fragile voice. I felt Paya nod and she helped me slowly rise to my feet. She took my hand in hers and before she started pulling me up the stairs I looked back towards Impa.

"What about Link? We must act now before it's to late, Impa." I looked towards her.

"My dear child, please rest. Fear will never allow us to think clearly and win. You must be strong and have faith, especially in Link. No use trying to create a plan when you are in this state. I will ponder while you rest." She paused the grabbed my spare hand, the other still being held by Paya. "He needs you, Princess. He needs you to be strong." She whispered to me. And with that, Paya led me up the steps.

I sat down on her bed and she went through her clothes to find me a comfortable outfit to spend the night in. I was freezing, covered in rain, mud, and tears. She brought me a grey nightgown of hers that had the Shekiah sign in the middle covered in dark blue, she also brought me a towel and brush to dry and fix my hair.

"Here princess. P-please, make yourself comfortable. I-I know you need it." I reached for the clothes and she left the room quickly allowing me privacy. I changed and stared at myself in the mirror. The nightgown was short, going only down to the middle of my thighs, my hair was wet with streaks of mud down the ends of it. I reached down for the hair brush that I sat on her dresser beside the mirror and began slowly brushing out the tangled parts of my hair.

"Princess? May I come in or do you need more time." Paya knocked and cracked open the door.

"Yes Paya, come in." I said towards the door. She timidly walked in and offered me a smile.

"Are you alright?" She questioned. I looked down at my feet and she took that as my response. She walked towards me and grabbed the hair brush from my hand and begun brushing out my tangled hair for me, she really was a great friend.

"As Impa said, you cannot loose faith, Zelda." She spoke, stunning me it was the first time she called me by just my name, which made me happy feeling like she finally has warmed up to me. "Link is strong, he's won multiple battles. He's even cheated death, he will come back to us. I promise. I'm worried too, I must admit, but I have faith in him and in the Goddess." She continued on.

"I feel so guilty Paya. All this pain, everything he has gone through, has been because of me. He always ends up getting hurt... getting killed, for me." I looked back at her in the mirror, she was focused on my golden hair but then looked up. After placing the hair brush on the dresser, she grabbed my shoulders and whipped me around, with a strength I didn't know her timid self possessed.

"Now Zelda, listen to me. Though I do not fully understand yours and Master Link's feelings, I know there is something powerful between you two. I mean, it was written in legends, Zelda! your soul and Link's were meant to meet, destined to journey Hyrule together. You know this. Do not be consumed by feelings of guilt, princess. The risks he has taken, sacrifices he has made, his own death, was not because you are a burden to him, but because you are much more. It's not just his "knightly duty," he does this... because he cares about you Zelda, I would even go as far to say he..."

"...loves me?" I finished the sentence for her and the biggest grin grew on her face.

"I believe so, Zelda." She continued grinning and let go of my shoulders. I turned back to look at myself in the mirror, noticing how pink my cheeks were. She walked over to the bed and sat crossing her legs. Though I knew she also loved him, I could tell she was at peace knowing how he felt towards me and I felt towards him.

I love him.

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