The Morning's Warmth

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Zelda's POV

I tried to sleep the whole night but I barely even closed my eyes and when I began to feel the morning's warmth on my cheek, I decided to try no longer and rise out of bed. Kakariko village was always so beautiful, but especially in the morning. The only noises to be heard were the songs of birds and the gentle wind coming through the cliffs, accompanied sometimes by the faint laughter of a young child or conversation from passing villagers.  Truly one of my favorite places in all of Hyrule.

It has been almost a full year since the fall of Calamity Ganon, almost a year since Link returned to Hyrule... and returned to me. Saying I missed him merely expresses my feelings towards his return and seeing him again. I was so afraid. So afraid he would never come back to us, afraid he would be in a permanent state of slumber. As well as afraid if he did woke, he would forget everything and everyone, including me. Luckily my plan worked, the images, the memories, they were successful in bringing his memory back. Though I had to fill in the areas around the memories, he pretty much remembered it all.

I finished getting dressed and brushing out my golden hair when the noise outside became slightly busier. Villagers were starting their daily routines. Everyone was still adjusting from the Calamity, especially me. Trying to fix everything and have the kingdom return to its formal state has been a tiring task. After sealing Ganon, life only became more and more busy from trying to repair all of the damage that occurred the past 100 years. I can barely speak though, I know Link was the most tired and stressed out of all of us, but he never showed it. Instead he woke everyday with a brave face and continued working along my side to help me restore my kingdom. 

Even after everything I put him through, he still stuck by my side.

Just as my thoughts started running wild, a heard a light knock on my door.

"Pr-princess Zelda? It's P-Paya. Please don't rush b-but Impa would like to eat with you this m-morning." I heard Paya whisper through my door. I giggled at her shyness, she had no reason to be so timid with me, I've grown quite fond of her and would even consider her a friend at this point.

I slipped on my boots and opened my door, smiling at her. She returned the smile and we walked outside the inn's door. Since calamity, Kakariko village has expanded. More villagers moved in, the inn and other shops became bigger, and the village itself became more alive. 

When we were outside, Paya began walking in the direction of a few benches and tables where I saw Impa sitting, her hat making a ring of shade around her blocking the morning heat. She was reading through what looked to be an older book of some type, ancient Sheikah text I believe, and was pointing to some parts of the book showing text to the boy who sat across from her. My eyes widened and I felt a slight sense of excitement in me when I saw who sat across from her, Link. 

He leaned over the table taking in everything Impa had to show, fully engaged. His gold hair was pulled up into a bun that was being held  by two black sticks, with few bangs hanging over his forehead. His master sword and shield rested against the side of the table, always at reach, I then wondered if he ever fully rested, or was he always ready to fight?

I felt a small smile creep onto my face after seeing him, I turned my head slightly so Paya wouldn't notice as we walked closer. It was hard not to smile every time I saw him. I appreciated his presence much more now, fearing the feeling of loosing him again. I will never loose him again.

"Ah good morning Princess Zelda, I was just showing Link some old texts I owned of the Sheikah, I believe you may find them quite intriguing, wouldn't you agree Master Link?" Impa spoke once Paya and I got closer. Paya sat next to Impa, I took my place next to Link. He nodded in response to Impa and glanced at me, giving me the usual "good morning" smile. I smiled back then joined him in looking at the text.

We spent the morning snacking on various fruits and cheese while Impa told us many things about the Sheikah, her love for her people was always admirable. I listened close while the morning's warmth covered me more and more as the sun continued to rise. 

I was ready to begin the day, and work more on restoring Hyrule. With my faithful knight by my side.

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