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Zelda's POV

My feet quietly moved alongside his as we snuck through the castle's halls. Adrenaline mixed with fear and fury filled my body as we tried to find our way safely out of the castle. Our fingers stayed tangled together, making sure he wouldn't leave my side no matter what. The young Sheikah guard moved a few paces in front of us, keeping an eye out for any unwelcomed servants.

Link's hand held tightly to mine, I knew exactly what was running through his mind. He was determined to make it out safe, more specifically have me make it out safe. He was ready to sacrifice himself at any moment, but that's just it, they wanted him alive. It was me they wanted dead.  The second they would be able to, they would have him in chains and me left vulnerable, I think deep down he knew this. No matter how much he would try, for once he wouldn't be able to give his own life to protect mine, instead I would have to give mine if it came to that. 

The guard quickly waved us to stop as he peered around a corner, he snapped his head back and darted his eyes towards Link. With a simple shake of his head, Link and I instantly understood the issue, Yigas awaited us around the corner. We stayed pressed against the wall as Link peered down the other direction of the corridor, then he looked back at the guard.

"Go, I will buy you time to escape that way. Avoid any servants you see, they know you are moving throughout the halls." The guard ordered.

"They will kill you, they must know you have betrayed them." Link snapped back.

"Master Link, they have betrayed me time and time again, they deserve every betrayal coming their way. Go, take the Princess and get yourself to safety. Link, listen to me, no matter what happens... do not let them get you. I fear for Hyrule if they do." He snapped back at Link. 

Stressed, Link quickly rubbed his forehead trying to process the guard's words. Then without looking back at me, he squeezed my hand and started to pull me in the opposite direction of the guard. Before we got far I quickly pulled back and looked towards the guard.

"Wait, please tell us your name at least?" I quickly questioned, realizing we may have never known the name of the guard who aided us all this way, the guard who I helped save from the Yigas.

"Cardan, your highness. My name is Cardan. Now go." And with that, he slowly went around the corner, ready to attack if needed.

I looked back to Link, who gave me a quick smile and then we continued on. As we moved, we began hearing the voice of Cardan behind us mix with the Yigas, I feared for what may happen next. There was no time to sit and ponder fear, though. No matter what, we had to keep moving for Cardan was right, they could not get a hold of Link. As we moved, we noticed more and more "servants," our pace quickened. Fear mixed with panic in my head as questions formed. This was Hyrule Castle, the most guarded place in all of Hyrule, how did they manage to get in? Who had betrayed us? Betrayal was the only way anyone could have ever infiltrated, it was an inside job. 

As I continued to think through my questions, following Link's footing, I felt him instantly throw his arm back on me, pushing me into the wall behind us. I leaned over a little, trying not to panic him but also trying to see what he saw. My body went cold when I spotted it, two Yigas, not in servant clothes but in their normal attire, only confirming my theory.

Someone had betrayed us, allowing them in.

There was no time to ponder betrayal, I had to get him safe. We had to plan our next move correctly, one wrong step out of the shadows and we would have a major issue. Even if just one Yiga spotted us, we would have all of them on us within seconds. This time, I took charge. He stood pressed with his back against the wall, staring at the Yigas. I grabbed onto his wrist and pulled him. He yanked back, confused and I pulled him forward again, letting him know we were doing this my way.

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