The Great Escape

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Zelda's POV

Impa, Purah, and Paya swarmed Link and I as I placed him on one of the tables in the guard's chambers. The Sheikah guards stood ready, no sign of Cardan. The girls searched for supplies as I helped Link continue to apply pressure, he was loosing so much blood, worse we had no clue if an organ was pierced. His soft whimpers turned into extreme yelps of pain with every move and I did everything I could to calm him. 

Paya returned with some tonic, water, and a needle with thread. My whole body cringed at the thought of having to stitch him. As she sat down the items, I reached around Link and slowly began to pull off his once blue but now deep red tunic. I made sure to be slowly around his ribs but he cried out in pain as I tried to. I looked towards Paya and she shook her head, unknowing of how to get it off of him without causing more pain, then I looked towards the knife on her hip. I loved his blue tunic and I knew he did too, it was a symbol of his strength and bravery but there can always be more tunics, there is only one Link. I grabbed the knife from her side and slide it under the tunic and his undershirt, cutting them down the side and the ripping the rest of the shirts exposing skin. I pulled the cloth off of him, and the tears I once was able to hold back formed again once I was able to lay eyes on the wound.

"Okay, I need to clean this can someone find me a rag or towel? I need it to wipe the area clean before we stich him." Paya called out. Purah ran over with a small towel she found and Paya poured the tonic onto it. she then shot me quick look. "Um, Zelda, you may want to hold him down for this, it's gonna burn real bad but I have to be precise, keep him from moving." She whispered trying not to panic the knight more. 

I nodded then moved to the other side of him. I rubbed the top of his head trying to relax him as I slowly reached to take both of his hands in mine, pressing them to his chest so he couldn't move much. I looked towards Paya, giving her a nod and she pressed the rag to his wound. He screamed out in pain as the tonic created a white fizz around his would, showing it was working. My heart tore more with each teardrop of his. She cleaned the whole area as I did my best to hold him still. Now came the worst part, stitches. 

"Paya, do you know how to do this?" I tried not to panic Link but his eyes darted to mine in fear as soon as I spoke, how has he not passed out yet from blood loss or shock? He truly was too strong for his own good. 

"I can, I've done it before." Impa chimed in. Paya took a deep breath, relived it wouldn't be her duty. They switched spots and Impa began threading the string through the needle. 

"Do we have anything he can maybe, um, bite on? This is quite the wound needing a good amount of stitches." Impa tried to whisper but Link threw his head back in frustration.

"Just go for it." He groaned out. Impa and Paya both glanced at me as if asking for approval.

"Well, you heard the knight, get stitching we need to make sure he looses no more blood!" I replied to their glances.

My ears rang as he cried out with each stitch. I held onto his hands, his squeezing mine so hard I felt my fingertips go numb. Impa worked with the thread as Paya held the wound together, allowing for the tightest stitch possible. Nearing the end of the procedure, I felt his grip loosen on mine and I looked down at him, his eyes slowly unfocused and his head fell back, finally loosing consciousness. I quickly reached and grabbed his head so he wouldn't smack off the table and looked towards the others.

"Is this good or bad?" I pleaded while holding him. 

"Well good because he will stop moving and feeling this, bad because we don't know if he just fainted from shock or blood loss. I will say shock though. The dagger was too close to a rib, I do not believe it struck any organs." Impa looked up at me with reassuring eyes as she pulled through the last stitch.

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