In a Hundred Years

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Before the Calamity 


Zelda's POV

This feeling is... indescribable. Was is this happiness? Sadness? Love? 

Whatever this feeling may be, it felt as if a fire was slowly burning within my heart.

Yet, I never wanted this feeling to go away, no matter how unbearable the burning became.

I watched each Champion from the Gazebo, resting my palms on the railing. Urbosa, Mipha, Revali, Daruk... and Link. They all laughed, cheered, and smiled. Well, Revali tried his best to hide his joyfulness from the others, and Link let loose no sound from his lips, only a pleasant smile. 

I truly admired them all, Mipha and her gracefulness, Urbosa and her strength, Daruk and lovable attitude, and Revali for... well being Revali.

As for Link, I have come to admire nearly everything about him. It pains me how much I resented him when our travels first started together, if I only knew what I knew now, how much he would mean to me.

He is everything I wish I could be, everything and more. He carries more courage than a thousand soldiers, more strength than an whole army. His care and loyalty is more than anyone has ever given me. 

I watched as Mipha spoke with him, he said not a word yet was able to carry a whole conversation with her. With him, words were rarely needed. I've learned to love his silence, I hope she does too.

I felt a tear fall from my eye and I quickly reached my fingertip up to wipe it away. 

"Little Bird, on such a night full of joy, why sorrow?" Lady Urbosa questioned walking up behind me.

I quickly turned to see her with both hands on her hips and a faint smile across her lips. "U-Urbosa, my apologies I didn't hear you walk up behind me." 

"No need for apologies." She walked up beside me and rested her elbows on the railing. "Tell me what that mind of yours is pondering."

"Tonight, it feels as a dream. Seeing all of you together and sharing these moments in such dark times, it aches my heart." I responded, leaning onto the railing with her. "I fear something awful is about to happen, and these memories will be torn from us." 

I felt her eyes fall on me for a moment and then back on the others. "Little Bird, I want you to know something. Something I know each one of these Champions would agree with." 

"What is that?" I questioned.

"That no matter what happens, tonight, tomorrow, or even in a hundred years from now, we will always be here for you. Ready to stand by and fight for you." 

I felt more tears fill in my eyes, I tried my best to blink them away. "And what if I fail? What if this sealing power truly never reveals itself to me, will you all be with me then?"

Lady Urbosa stood from the railing and reached over to grab onto my shoulders, pulling me to face her. "Even then, even in death. I am with you, Zelda. From this moment on and forever more, we are with you."

I turned my head to look towards the four other Champions, and my eyes met the Knight's sky blue eyes. He gently tilted his head and I returned a small, broken smile. Even in a hundred years from now, we will always be here for you. Urbosa's words danced through my head as I gazed into his eyes. 

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