Yiga Clan

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Zelda's POV

After eating and saying goodbye, Link and I mounted our horses and journeyed back to Kakariko Village. This time, the ride was silent, but an uncomfortable silence. The air felt thick, making my head feel light. Link kept alert the whole time, scanning the surrounding area at all times. I wanted to talk to him, but I knew better than to break his focus. he was in full "knight" mode. His loyalty was both a blessing and a curse. Knowing he would sacrifice himself for me again made me constantly nervous. I didn't want him to sacrifice himself, I need him here next to me, I need him alive, Hyrule needs him alive.

We were about half way to Kakariko as we rode through a section of woods that lead straight to the village. The nerves inside me grew with every trot of my horse's hooves. I wanted to be at Kakariko already, I was tired and nervous, I wanted to be somewhere familiar where I knew we would both be safe. I soon realized, safety was far from reach when I saw a grey cloud of smoke appear to my left. Link stopped Epona instantly and jumped off her back pulling out his master sword. He held his hand out to me, signaling for me to stay on my horse.


I quickly looked down at my palms, readying myself to protect him. Though my powers have shown and understand them better, I have trouble using them. I sometimes try to get the magic to work and it doesn't, other times I can't make it stop. I say a quick prayer to the Goddess, begging for my powers to work correctly this time so I can help him, so I wouldn't loose him.

Just then, A laugh came from behind us and Link swung his sword towards the noise. The sound of metal made a sharp ringing noise, piercing the air. His sword was pressed against the knife at a Yiga. In a split second, more clouds of smoke appeared around us in a circle, my heart started racing and my breathing became heavy. Link began swinging his sword, fighting off any Yiga that came off him. Panic rose in me. I jumped off Knight and looked down at my palms again, the triforce appeared back to me, thank you Hylia. I put my back against Link's and he looked back at me in shock, I nodded at him, letting him know he isn't fighting alone.

A Yiga charged us and with a gentle movement of my hand, I created a barrier of light, throwing the clan member back. The rest stood in awe. I continued moving my hands, more light appeared, throwing them in every direction as Link continued to battle other's off with his sword and shield. After moments my gesture became heavier, I felt sweat forming on my forehead. They kept appearing out of no where, more and more. Three charged at Link and I panicked, so I created a barrier around him, turning my back to the few clan members behind me. Just as I did, I felt a hand grab the back of my neck, throwing me to the ground, breaking the barrier of light.

I quickly sat up and saw three other members surround me, I tried crawling away from them when I looked in between the two Yigas in front of me. Link was surrounded. Panic quickly turned into anger. I looked at my hand and just as was readying to send another barrier of light, one of the clan members kicked my side, making me loose focus, and the triforce in my hand. I collapsed but swiftly tried to get back up. I kept looking in Link's direction, somehow he was still fighting, but I could tell by his movements, he was growing tired, and we were both surrounded.

"L-Link! Pl-please, run!" I shouted. As soon as I did another Yiga member pushed me down, Link looked back at me, our eyes met and I saw the panic in them, he was tired. He continued fighting and I continued to try and crawl away but it was no use the surrounded me and slowly tried pushing me away from him.

Then it hit me, they didn't want me. If they did, they would've taken me by now... they wanted Link.

With a swift push I jumped to my feet and within seconds summoned the triforce back and fought along side him again. pushing the surrounding clan members back. I heard the sharp sting of metal again, he blocked to sickles from a Yiga with his shield, and they slowly pushed down on him making one of his knees press into the ground. I ran towards him but another hand grabbed mine and wrapped an arm around my torso, the other reaching up to cover my mouth.

"Hush Princess... let this go as the great Ganon has planned." I hear the deep voice of the member holding me back. Tears rose in my eyes, blurring my vision. "I got her, now capture him." The same member spoke. I began fighting and resisting the members strength as much as I could, but the more I fought, the tighter his grip became.

"Please... no." I whimpered out. Two Yiga members grabbed his shoulders and threw him down, making him loose grip of his sword and shield, another kicked both far from him. The tears fell from my eyes. I fought more and more but soon became tired, as if I was fighting to stand in the middle of the ocean, but the waves kept pulling me down.

The members pinned him down and tied his hands, I closed my eyes as fear swept over me. When I reopened them, they stood him back up, now with something covering his mouth so he couldn't call out. His eyes met mine for a split second and within the next moment, the area became covered with grey smoke, and they all disappeared, including Link. The member holding me finally let go and I dropped to the ground.

"Seems he's not much of a hero after all." The member hissed and with that, he disappeared into the grey smoke.

I was left, laying on the ground alone. My fear, became a reality. He was gone. Rain started to fall and it mixed on my face with tears. I sat there for what felt like an eternity crying and calling out his name in between whimpers. They took him, he really was gone again.

When I looked up, I saw Epona and Knight staring towards me. They both turned their bodies to face Kakariko Village, as if telling me it was time to take action. The tears on my face grew warmer and my hands clenched into fists. No more sadness, I became hot with fury.

I mounted Epona and grabbed the reigns of Knight. They galloped to Kakariko.

I needed to save my knight.

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