Into the Hideout

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Zelda's POV

The air was chilled as we traveled closer to the Yiga Clan hideout in the Gerudo desert. After about a two day travel, we arrived to the desert sands, leaving all of our horses and making the rest of the journey on foot. Paya stuck next to my side the whole journey as we were lead by one of the head Sheikah guards, Dorian. We knew the exact point we were closing in on the hideout when symbols of the Yiga started to show, being painted on many different statues scattered throughout Karusa Valley. 

As planned, we reached our first stopping point on the cliffs over looking what appeared to be a cave, that at a first glance, had nothing unique about it, but with a closer look I was able to recognize where that cave led. Dorian began speaking and though I was listening, I couldn't focus on his words as panic grew. I quickly snapped out of it, now was not the time to panic, I must be brave. He was in there.

"Princess? Are you alright? Your as pale as a ghost." One of the Sheikah rested their hand on my shoulder, Paya looked towards me. 

"Yes, yes. I'm sorry, just a little nervous." I whispered back.

"Don't fret dear princess. We will return him to you. Plus, the start of any battle is always nerve wracking, but we will be in and out before you can even blink. We have fought Yiga before and we can do it again, promise." The man smiled at me then returned his mask over his mouth. I nodded back to him and looked down to my palm. 

Please Hylia. I need your power and strength more than ever. Please, don't leave my side now. 

"Alright. Let's move out. Paya and Princess Zelda, stay close and do not leave each other's side. Our goal is to find Link and move him out to safety, no matter how it's done. Take down any Yiga in your path and if you encounter their new master, you fight. But do not loose sight of the main goal. Save the knight." Dorian ordered. The Sheikah bowed and split into their groups.

There were few entry points leading into the hideout, the groups split to cover each of them, ready to attack from all sides. Paya and I joined fighters going through the main cave. We were met with a circular room that had a fire in the middle and torches everywhere. Large Yiga tapestries hung from all sides. We all started to look for the entrance, pulling at the tapestries, feeling along the walls, checking every space we could, nothing budged. 

I looked back towards the fire in the middle of the room and my eyes slowly moved down to the torches and then over to the tapestries, a puzzle. I pushed off the wall I was inspecting and ran over to grab a torch. I held the torch over to the fire and walked over to the first tapestry, lighting it on fire. It burned up, showing nothing but a plain wall, the others turned to look at me as I moved on to the next, slowly going on by one burning all of the tapestries. Everyone else moved away from the walls, when we all made eye contact with one of the tapestries. As it burned, it slowly uncovered a tight hallway leading to stairs. I looked back at the group and nodded my head to move forth. Paya smiled at me and nodded back, I lead them into the hallway.

The stairs were steep and tight but we slowly made our way down, leading to a maze of hallways. My shoulders dropped, how would we ever find him?

"Split up." I turned and looked back at the group.

"Princess we can't. We must stay with you." A member whispered back. I grabbed Paya's hand.

"Paya and I will move together. We will never find him all in a group, they will find us first. Split into smaller groups and go. It's time to stop worrying about me and put your full focus into Master Link." I pulled Paya to me, and sternly addressed the group. As we started to move forward into one of the many hallways, a member called out to me.

"Princess. You are the only royal heir left, who is in charge of the kingdom if something happens to you?"

I stopped in my tracks and turned back to face them.

"You are to return Link to safety. If something does happen to me, I leave the Kingdom of Hyrule to Master Link." I turn quickly and pull Paya along before I realize what my words meant. 

The hallways consisted of sharp turns followed with darkness with few torches to light the way. Paya and I stayed close to the wall and low to the ground. We have yet to come across a Yiga yet, it was late in the night hopefully meaning most of them have retired for the long night. After a few more turns, we came to a door that contained many latches. Paya pushed past me. Pulling two small pins from her pouch connected to her belt, she began to make work on the locks as I stood my ground watching for any figures. I heard a few clicks and turned to watch her gently push open the door. 

We checked for any members, still none. The hall had cells lining it and I quickly checked each of them on one side as she pushed to check the others.

"He's not here." She called out to me. A headache formed behind my eyes.

"Where could they have him? He could be anywhere, who knows how large these tunnels are." I replied back panicked. Just then, a figure stepped into the room. Yiga. 

Paya and I quickly pulled our knives, remembering my training, I gathered my strength ready to charge, The Yiga pulled their knife and ran at me. I dodged and swung at them and they quickly jumped back. Paya charged from behind them pushing them to the ground. The Yiga kicked their leg, pushing Paya's out from under her sending her to the ground. I ran over and grabbed her quickly pulling her up hearing the footsteps of the Yiga behind us I quickly tossed my knife behind me, without looking. I quickly turned to see my knife stuck in the arm of the Yiga, they quickly dropped to the ground in pain as I charged back at them, and they threw their hands in the air.

"Okay! Please, please! Don't kill me!" The member whimpered. I knelt down and ripped the mask off of the members face to reveal a younger male.

"Unlike your people, I'm no killer. Where is he? Where is the knight?" I said through my teeth.

"I-in the shrine room! I promise! I don't know anything besides that!" He panicked.

"Zelda, how do we know it's not a trap?" Paya whispered behind me.

"No, no trap I promise. I don't want to hurt you, I was just scared. They would kill me if I tried to leave the Clan but I don't want to be one of them. Promise!" Tears started to form in his eyes.

"Then where is this shrine room?" I whispered, trying not to panic him more, understanding his situation.

"Go out and take a left, follow the symbols. I promise. Look at the walls they will guide you. When you find the edge of the tunnel, push the walls. Please just believe me." He begged to me. I stood up and nodded, grabbing Paya's and making my way to the door. I stopped and turned to face the boy when I remembered his words.

"Listen to me. There are other Sheikah throughout the hideout. Seek them out, if you don't charge, they will help you. Get yourself out of here and to safety." I turned back and continued my way out the door, following the boys instructions, quickening my steps with Paya behind me.

I will find you, Link.

My Silent KnightOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora