Still and Calm

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Link's POV

The morning sun slowly began to rise and I decided to rise with it. Once dressed, I gathered the rest of my belongings and headed out into the hallway of the inn, before stepping outside, I peaked into Zelda's room to see if she was awake. She laid in her bed completely curled up in her blankets, almost as if she was hibernating. A small smile formed on my face as I closed her door, allowing her to get extra rest before the journey to Hateno.

I stepped out into the new morning's air and walked over to both our horses who became excited when they saw me walking towards their posts. After feeding them both a few carrots that I bought the night before, I began putting on their saddles and tying on our various items. I caught Epona looking back at me as I tied a bag to her saddle and walked over to her, and began petting her neck. Though I knew this was a different Epona, I couldn't help but feel as if she was the same Epona I remembered from all those years ago, as if she was reincarnated so our path's could meet once more. I rested my head on her nose and took in a deep breath. 

I was nervous, there was no denying that. Her plan made sense, even Impa agreed surprisingly. Nerves still hung over me with the thought of traveling the road to Hateno again, I was hoping the travel would be quick, and would try not to think much about what happened the previous time we traveled that road. I looked at my bandaged wrists, they were still a little sore and the bruises underneath had turned into a light tan color, almost being healed. Zelda made sure to check them daily and continued to add Paya's medicine on top, my healing being her number one priority. 

I looked towards the horizon, the sun was rising more now meaning it was time to begin the journey. I gave Epona and Knight a few more pets and then headed back to the inn. After knocking on her door a few times, a half asleep Zelda slowly opened the door and waved at me to come in. Her hair was un brushed, showing a few knots throughout and she was still in one of her light blue nightgown that cut off at her knees. She plopped back onto her bed and threw her arms over her face.

"Let's just leave tomorrow, I'm tired." She spoke with a raspy morning voice. I walked over to her and grabbed each of her hands, slowly pulling her up. Her head collapsed into my chest and she wrapped her arms around my back, I felt my face become a little warm.

"Princess, the horses are already waiting. It's time to go." I rubbed the back of her hair, untangling a few knots with my fingers. 

I heard her groan into my blue tunic, making me giggle. After a second, she pulled away and rubbed her eyes. I turned to see her hair brush laying on the nightstand nearing the bed, I reached to grab it, ready to hand it to her, but instead she turned to face the wall and sat with her legs crossed. Flicking all her hair behind her back, she looked back at me and gave a little grin. I rolled my eyes as I grabbed a chunk of her gold hair and began to run the brush through it. It was silent as I brushed through her long, beautiful hair. She began to braid the top as I finished untangling the ends of her hair. When we were both done, she turned quickly and hugged onto me.

"Good morning, thanks for the help." She chuckled.

"Good morning to you too. I'll wait for you outside while you finish getting dressed. Okay?" I hugged her back and then gently pulled her arms off of me. She nodded and I headed out the door to wait. 

Her affection surprised me, not in a bad way. In fact, the hug left a warm feeling inside me and I felt myself become more calm for the journey ahead.


Our horses trotted in sync with one another as we made our way towards Hateno. The trip was about half way over as we passed through the ruins of the Hateno Fort. I tried to focus on my breathing so my nerves wouldn't show to Zelda, who was relaxed and taking in the scenery around us. At one point her eyes met mine, they glimmered in the sunlight, turning them a light green. She grinned a me, something was on her mind.

"Up for a challenge?" She giggled.

"A challenge? What type?" I asked.

"Let's race. Who is faster, Epona or Knight?" She squeezed onto her reins. 

"Oh please, Knight is a great horse but Epona will always win." I laughed back.

"Come on then, prove it." Just then she squeezed into Knight's side and he took off.

"What ever happened to ready, set, go!" I called after her and squeezed in on Epona and she began to gallop along the road as well.

I caught up to her and Knight and she looked at me laughing. I pressed in on Epona again and she continued on faster. We raced all the way to where the road diverged below Hateno. Definitely made the trip quicker.  Of course, she won and though I probably could've won, I didn't like the idea of her being behind me and out of my sight. So, I let her take the victory.

"You cheated!" I scolded and reached over to slightly push her.

"No, I told you, Knight is just faster. No offense Epona." She giggled back and pushed me. 

We talked to each other and giggled the rest of the way to Hateno. Despite the stress of the past week, the event with the Yiga, and the threat that they are still after us, she seemed relatively happy and affectionate. I didn't quite understand why, but I won't question, I'm just happy to see her like this. I have always cherished her smile. 

Soon we arrived back to Hateno. I had her wait behind the bridge as I crossed to check my home for any wondering Yigas awaiting our arrival. When I deemed it safe, I whistled calling her over. As I took my items off of Epona, Zelda appeared next to me and began removing the saddle from Knight. Once inside the home, Zelda pulled me into another hug, surprising me once again. 

"Hey, what's on your mind, Zelda?" I asked, gently wrapping my arms around her.

"I could sense you were a little nervous riding back here. It's understandable, I was too. I'm just happy that we... that you are safe, Link." She responded and looked up at me. I met her gaze as I looked down at her.

"I'm happy we are safe too. It's seems as if your plan is working so far after all." I gave her a smile. 


Zelda's POV

We stood there, letting moments pass while we embraced each other. I could tell my hug originally took him by surprise but within a few seconds, he embraced me back. Everything felt still and calm. I put my head on his shoulder as I took in the silence around us. Nothing made a noise besides the slight crack of a candle wick every few seconds and the creak of his home when the wind would pass by. I felt at peace standing there in his arms, never wanting to move. I felt him gently pull back without letting go of me. I slowly looked at him, meeting his blue eyes. He lifted his right hand and placed it on the side of his face, with his fingers lining my pointed ear. Then, he leaned back in.

Placing his lips on mine. A flurry of warmth filled me as my cheeks warmed, and time felt frozen.

In this moment, everything calmed. Nothing else mattered. All that mattered, was Link.

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