Cursed Eyes

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Zelda's POV

While walking through the dark hallway, we let our fingers rub against the stone walls, searching for the symbols that the young Yiga boy told us about. Still nothing, I began to feel frustration take over me. I slowed my steps to a stop and leaned up against the wall, pulling down my mask to let out a deep breath.

"Anything?" I asked towards Paya. She shook her head. I slid my back down the wall and rested my arms on my knees. "Please, tell me this isn't a hopeless mission." I whispered.

"Zelda, we can't loose hope now. There has to be something." She continued to look among the walls, using a torch we took to illuminate the path. As she moved around the torch, illuminating further down the hall, I noticed something, and jumped to my feet.

"Wait, may I see the torch please?" I pulled my mask back up as she handed over the torch. I quickened my steps going further down the hall, keeping my eyes on a specific part of the wall in front of us. We were lead into a larger room that broke off into more corridors. I held my torch up to the spot, my eyes widened.

"He wasn't misguiding us Paya. Look. There's a Yiga symbol here, painted black so you can barely see it." She stumbled over to look and turned to me so we made eye contact.

I quickly waved my torch down the nearest hallway and held it up against the wall... another symbol. I ran and Paya quickened behind me to keep up. Another and another. We lead down more corridors, finding more symbols. All the way into a dead end. When you find the edge of the tunnel, push the walls. I remembered the boy's scared voice. And with that, I pressed my hand against the wall and pushed as hard as I could.

The wall split in half with the two ends separating, revealing a circular room, the shrine room. My breathe became quick and sharp as I grabbed Paya's hand and bolted into the room. She grabbed a knife from her side and held it up, ready for anything or anyone. But no one was there. We split up and walked around the room, nothing except various items and paintings dedicated to Ganon. I turned around and instantly felt my blood run cold.

A post stood with empty cuffs hanging from it. I only assumed that they held him here. I got closer, the inside of the cuffs had small spots of blood throughout them and my blood went colder. Paya came over to investigate them with me.

"Princess, please look away." She grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the post.

When she turned me, I saw a figure standing in the shadows. I quickly reached for the knife on my side. When the figure realized they were spotted they slowly stepped out of the shadows. They wore a Yiga Clan outfit, but it was different from the others, this outfit only was to be worn by the Masters. The figure slowly lifted their hand to remove the mask, I instantly recognized who it was.

Back in Hateno village while Purah and I were cooking. The girl in the red dress, with black hair, she was Yiga. Master of the Yiga.

"Hello, Princess Zelda, it's an honor to finally meet you." She sneered.

"Where is he." I sneered back at her, not in the mood for introductions.

"Both of you so eager. He asked the same about you, how endearing." She paused and gave a smile. "He is where he is meant to be Zelda, no he's not dead. In fact, I would say he's more alive than ever, dear Princess." She started to walk more out of the shadows, Paya and I slowly moved back to keep a distance, my heart raced, having no clue what her ominous words meant. I noticed a small orb being held up in her left hand, it had a mysterious dark glow to it.

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