Breath of the Wild

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Zelda's POV

The bedroom around us glowed from the Gerudo sun slowly creeping in through the window. My eyes adjusted to the light as I stretched my legs under the blankets and yawned while watching the light flood into the room. While propping myself up on my left elbow, I looked over my shoulder to check for Link, who was still asleep beside me, his back facing me. I pushed myself to roll over closer to him, resting my hand on his arm and pressed a soft kiss to his bare shoulder. I waited to see if he was awake or would wake up soon, but he moved a little and then went still again continuing to sleep. So, I decided to allow him to rest while I got up to prepare for the journey back home.

Though I was a little sad to be leaving this beautiful town that I rarely got to visit, I was ready to travel through Hyrule again and return to the castle. A place I never thought I would see as my home, since it was a place I would always try to run from when I was younger. Now, it's the only place I want to be.

Plus, Riju was right, the women of Gerudo would only be so welcoming to voe for so long, I wouldn't want to risk over staying our welcome. I dressed in another outfit given to me by Riju, the same style as yesterdays instead a much brighter blue compared to the deep blue. As I braided the front of my hair, I stared out the window and watched over Gerudo, allowing the rising sun to warm me. As I braided, the ring on my finger would often catch my eye because of how bright it glowed in the sun. No piece of jewelry would ever compare to it's beauty or importance.

I took a moment to admire my new ring, holding my left hand out towards the window, allowing it to bath in the sunlight. My sole focus was on the ring, until something outside caught my eye. I leaned against the window to get a closer look at the person I saw moving throughout Gerudo below me. The sun was low enough that most of the town was still blanketed in a heavy shadow, this person made sure to only wander within that shadow. His raven black hair helping him blend into the darkness, making sure the few who were awake this early, didn't notice him. I quickly pushed back over to the bed, pressed another kiss to Link's cheek and ran out the room without waking him. I moved quickly throughout the palace and went right out into the town, to where the person stood in the shadows.

"Cardan?" I called out, quiet enough not to catch others attention but loud enough for him to notice me. He quickly turned to face me, his black hair falling over his face.

My heart dropped the second I made eye contact with him. Even in the shadows I could tell his skin was many shades paler than before. His eyes dark with heavy bags under them, the color from his lips drained. He was in a tan pants, brown sandals, and a white, long sleeved shirt that was made from a light material almost making it see through. The shirt was pulled off his left shoulder, exposing the many bandages that wrapped around the arrow wound.

"Princess. My apologies, I didn't know you would be out so early." He took a moment to respond, his voice rasp.

"No need to apologize. I just... I can't believe you're-"

"Alive? Yeah the medic said the arrow just missed anything vital and the Sheikah aided me quick enough help stop the bleeding quickly." He gently pressed his right hand to his left shoulder.

"Cardan, thank you. For what you did down there." I whispered and moved closer, he stepped away.

"You have no need to thank me. For once in my life I decided to do the right thing. Our agreement still stands though, the second I have enough strength, I plan on leaving so I will be out of your sight forever." He broke his eye contact with me and instead looked ahead at Gerudo, my heart sank to my stomach.

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