Goodnight, My Knight

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Zelda's POV

Link and I spent the next two days in Hateno village. Helping villagers out with multiple tasks, speaking with Purah and seeing all her research, but most importantly, I spent those days with Link. During the day, we kept busy with the tasks we wanted to complete, but when the sun went away, we would stay by the fire for hours, talking about multiple topics, I of course did most of the talking. It was some of the most fun I've had this past year, I missed him and it took me being right next to him to realize how much I needed him. 

At night, I laid awake, my thoughts racing about him. Even though he was right down the stairs I wanted him to be beside me. I turned to look out the window at the night sky while my thoughts wondered. Finally, I decided to stop letting my mind wonder and climbed out of the bed. I leaned onto the railing and looked down at Link who was asleep below. Quietly, I crept down the stairs and went down to him, kneeling beside him, I took a deep breath and gently tapped his shoulder. Within a split second he sat straight up and had a panicked expression on his face, making me instantly regret waking him thinking I most likely scared him. When he sat up, the blankets slid off of him, making me notice he was shirtless, I felt my face go warm.

"Woah hey, it's just me. I apologize, I didn't mean to frighten you." I whispered to him putting a hand on his shoulder. He rubbed his face the ran his hands through his golden hair, resting them on the back of his neck.

"No, no, you're fine. Uh, what's wrong? Are you okay?" He whispered back, his eyes barely opened.

"I-um..." I paused realizing how ridiculous I was waking him up. "No, never mind, I'm sorry please go back to sleep." I started to stand back up but his hand reached out and grabbed mine, giving me instant butterflies.

"Zelda? You can talk to me, what's on your mind?" He spoke.

"Um, I felt lonely I guess. So, I came and woke you up which I'm now realizing how dumb and selfish that was. I'm sorry please go back to sleep." I tried to stand up again but his hand didn't leave mine.

"Do you, um, want me to sit with you?" He asked quietly. I tried to hide it but a small smile slowly appeared on my face and I gently nodded. 

He pushed himself off of the ground and the blankets slid off of him, revealing his whole torso, I looked away quick so he wouldn't see my face turn red but he pulled me up with his hand, forcing me to face him. We walked back up the steps and I sat with my legs crossed on top of the covers, he grabbed a chair and sat it next to the bed, I stopped him before he sat down.

"Link, will you sit on the bed with me please? No need for that." I asked. He raised an eyebrow but then nodded, placing the chair back in it's rightful place. He climbed on top of the bed with me and sat with his back against the wall, I couldn't take my eyes of him. I could tell how tired he was and noticed how tired I became as well, but I felt so much comfort with him sitting closer to me. I couldn't help but feel selfish for waking him, but a bigger part of me was happy I did. 

"Where to next, Zelda?" He spoke with his eyes have closed and his voice groggy.

"Oh, I'm not sure. How far do we want to travel? There's so much to do and so many places to go, I guess we need to look at where needs to be tended to the most or who needs to be helped the most. Maybe we could go back and check on Castle Town? See how the rebuilding is going? I would also like to clean up the fields surrounding Hateno Fort at some point, I can't stand looking at those old guardians-" I stopped when I noticed he fell asleep.

I slightly smiled, unsure of what to do. I wouldn't really be able to move him without waking him, and then again I was afraid of freaking him out again. I had to do something though, I wasn't going to let him sleep leaning against a cold wall. I shifted over closer to him and very gently rested my hand on the side of his face. With a gentle movement, he moved his head to rest it within my hand and slowly reopened his eyes, the butterflies returned inside my stomach. He was so beautiful. 

"Hey, you should lay down. It's late and I don't think the wall is that comfortable." I said still holding his head. He nodded and slowly started to push himself off the bed but I stopped him before he could.

"Please, sleep here?" I asked him quietly.

"What? Where will you sleep?" He questioned.

"I um, I mean I'll sleep downstairs if you want the bed alone but, um-"

"You want me to stay up here with you?" He cut me off looking me in the eyes. I didn't know how to respond so I just gave him a simple nod. He gave a slight smile in return then lifted the covers, waiting for me to climb into them. I pulled myself under the covers and he joined me. The butterflies flew at full speed in my stomach and I couldn't tell if it was excitement of nervousness consuming me. He gave me another smile as we laid on our sides, facing each other. He gently reached over, and tucked a piece of my blond hair behind my ear.

"Goodnight, my princess." He whispered.

"Goodnight, my knight." I whispered back to him.

Within a few short moments, I drifted to sleep. Finally comforted with him by my side.

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