Ominous Note

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Zelda's POV

When I woke the next morning, the sun was already beaming through the window, creating an extra blanket of warmth on my face. I stretched my arms then pushed myself up, then glanced over at the sleeping boy next to me. I knew he needed to rest in his own bed.

Link was always the first awake, up and alerted the second the sun rose. Now, he is in a deep sleep, rolled over on his side facing away from me, both his hands tucked under the pillow propping his head up, and his long hair falling over his face. I smiled at his beauty and for once, his peacefulness, it was rare I saw him so calm. I gently lifted my hand and pushed his golden locks out of his face, revealing the rest of his face. My smile grew, even though I noticed how ridiculous all of this was. He was my best friend, and though I've always loved him in a friendly type of way, I can't deny that I have always felt something more. And that extra feeling has only grew within the past year, right now, it grew stronger than ever.

I looked down at his lips, slightly parted and they looked soft. Suddenly the butterflies from last night returned. I have never kissed anyone before, I wouldn't even know if I truly knew how to go about kissing someone. But as I sat there looking at him, an urge came over me, and I wanted to kiss him more than ever. I placed my hand on the top of his head, messing with his blond hair as he continued to sleep, he really was tired, usually the slightest touch would wake him. Thoughts of him swirled in my head but they were put to a halt when someone knocked at his front door.

"Princess Zelda? Master Link? I must speak with you as soon as you awake!" A child's voice yelled from the other side, only it wasn't a child. I could tell instantly who the owner of the voice was, Purah. What could be of such urgency? She was right though, it was time to stop daydreaming and begin the day's journey.

I placed my other hand on Link's shoulder and gently shook him, trying not to frighten him again. After a few seconds, his eyes fluttered open, unveiling his blue eyes. He propped himself up with his elbows and looked at me, I remembered my thoughts of his lips and kissing him, and felt my face grow warm again, embarrassed I ever had those thoughts.

"Good morning." He spoke in a groggy voice and rubbed his eyes. He then slowly lowered his hands and looked at me with a confused face.

"Good morning, what's wrong?" I replied and returned his confusion.

"Um nothing, when did I get up here?" He said continuing to look around.

"You don't remember? We were sitting up here talking late last night and you fell asleep, I just let you sleep up here and I was correct, you very much needed sleep in your own bed." I giggled out. Just as I finished speaking there was another slight knock at the door, Purah again.

"We should rise, it sounds somewhat urgent." I looked back at him. I didn't want to move, I wanted to stay in this moment forever. Him calmly by my side. No threat, no uncertainty, no loneliness. Just him.

But within the second, that moment was gone and he pushed himself out of bed. I followed.

He threw on his undershirt and blue tunic then preceded to grab his sword and shield, latching them to his back along with the Sheikah Slate attached to his hip. He gave me a nod and stepped outside to a frantic Purah, then closed the door behind him giving me privacy to change into my clothing. Once I was dressed and I finished braiding the top of my hair, I stepped outside to meet everyone else.

"What are we to do Master Link, if this truly is from the- oh, good morning Princess Zelda. I fear we have a slight threat on our hands." Purah spoke turning to me as I closed the door behind me.

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