we can make it right🍁

Start from the beginning

"Alright Okay, yeah. Bye, Taehyung. I'll refrain from contacting you or asking for your assistance," my manager bid me farewell.

Stepping out of the building, I found myself inside the car my manager had arranged for my safe journey back home.

As I entered my house, I hastily shut the door behind me and slumped down against it, my back finding solace in its support.

I can't fathom it. What just transpired? I took lives, and that entity within me, it resurfaced. After years of silence, it attempted to reach out to me. No, I cannot allow it to overpower me again. V, you mustn't succumb. I refuse to accept the label of a monster. You turned me into one. Please, just leave me be... I cried out, my voice echoing through the empty space.

"You cannot elude me, Taehyung. I have returned,"

At school-
Y/n pov-

It has been two days since I last laid eyes on Taehyung at the karaoke night. Today is Thursday, and I'm curious if he'll show up at school. I really want to see him and make sure he's alright because something seemed to be troubling him the other day.

As I enter the classroom, my gaze instinctively searches for one person, and...

"Taehyung-ahh!" I exclaim, raising my voice as loud as I can.

There he is, standing there. I rush over to him and embrace him tightly in a side hug, to which he responds by hugging me back. Pulling away, I notice a deep cut on his neck from the side I hugged, and his face is bruised.

"Taehyung, are you alright? What happened? Those bruises and that cut... they look painful. Did you get into a fight?" I inquire, concerned.

"Oh, umm, this cut? It's nothing. I just got bullied by some guys in my apartment complex," he replies, trying to downplay the severity.

"Argh! Why do you always find yourself in trouble? Who were those bastards? Let me teach them a lesson," I express my frustration, genuinely wanting to confront the bullies.

He chuckles at my outburst. Seriously, why is he laughing? I'm dead serious here. But his smile manages to dissipate my anger. His genuine smile, revealing his boxy grin, has a way of melting my frustration away.

"Ahhh, y/n, you can be so silly sometimes. If I couldn't defend myself, how could you, being smaller than me, do it?" he remarks, teasingly.

"Yahh! I'm 5'7", okay? I'm not tiny. I can handle them," I retort, determined. But before I can continue, the rest of the students flood into the classroom, and it becomes crowded.

Mrs. Nim begins taking attendance, followed by a mathematics lesson, my most despised subject. I genuinely detest it with all my heart.

During break-

"Um, hey y/n, would you please come with us to the canteen today? You've been here for months, but we haven't spent any time together. If you don't mind..." Jungkook asks.

"Oh, um..." I glance over at Taehyung, to whom I had promised to spend time in the library during the break. But it seems there's been a change of plans.

"Yeah, okay, sure, Jungkook. I'd love to," I reply.

"Yay, okay! Come with me, I'll introduce you to my gang," he exclaims, flashing his bunny teeth. He grabs my hand and eagerly pulls me along to the canteen. I didn't even have a chance to inform Taehyung properly that I won't be able to meet him today.

In the canteen, we find a table and settle down.

"Hey, guys, look who's here! The goddess of our class, Lee y/n," Jungkook proudly announces.

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