-Chapter Twenty Seven

Start from the beginning

Oh my God. He knows! He knows about Justin and I, and now he is mad at me for not telling him. Ever since the release of the magazine Justin has gained a lot of publicity and it was more personal publicity than it was business. A lot of reporters and journalists want interviews with him but they are kind enough not to invade his private life. Turns out in reality paparazzi doesn't have time to be following someone around or camping outside of their house unless its political or criminal. But that didn't stop the public from taking pictures of him without his knowledge and posting it on his fan page which he never knew existed until a week back.

They took a picture of us during Halloween when we went trick or treating with his niece and nephews. The picture was blurry because it was late at night. You couldn't make out anything but Justin and I knew it was us. Justin then proceeded to apologize to which I shook it off. I should be the one apologizing to him. If I hadn't been so keen  on playing hard to get Justin wouldn't have agreed to do the interview and the public wouldn't be violating his privacy.

Long story, short. Tumi might've seen the picture and guessed it was me. I knew I should have worn a mask on my face along with my costume.

"Anything I think you should know?" I acted confused.

"Yes." He said, robotically.

I sighed, "I'm sorry for not telling you Tumi but I was planning on telling you, I promise."

"Yeah you should have." He said disappointedly. I know I should have told him but Justin and I agreed that we would tell everyone at the family vacation. For now we were enjoying time to ourselves.

"Where do you live now?"


He rolled his eyes, "I went to the apartment and you moved out, so where do you live?"

"Uh–" I cast my eyes to my tiramisu cake. This cake has been my favourite since that night when Justin and I were walking at Time's Square. He introduced me to the delicacy and he brings me a slice of the delicacy every Friday when he comes home from work. It has become our thing now. We share the cake while talking, wrapped up in each other.

I miss him so much. Being away from him is literal torture. He went to Italy with his dad and brother, Tristan, three days ago. I noticed how cold the apartment had gotten without him. The apartment was empty and only my thoughts echoed through the walls. At night I should sleep on his side of the bed and when I woke up without his arm around me in the morning I missed him more.

"Lerato!" A voice boomed and I jumped.


"Are you living with that boyfriend of yours that you don't want me to meet?" He asked and I blushed. I felt like a blushing high school girl taking about boyfriends with her parents except this was my older brother.

To be honest I don't remember my brother being this overprotective. Or maybe it's because he didn't have a reason to be protective before this. He didn't know about my first two ex boyfriends but my last ex boyfriend had won his approval before he could go overprotective.

"Yeah," I took the last sip of my tea, "my apartment got flooded two months ago and Jus–uh he offered to stay with me until my apartment got repaired."


He knew me too well. "But we got too used to living with each other so we decided to make things permanent."

He sighed in defeat. "Okay I understand but don't you think it's a little bit too soon?"

"I know Tumi but I love him and he's a great guy. He makes me feel loved and cared for and very very happy. Yes, maybe we are going too fast but there is no time frame for love. He taught me that." I said with a smile.

"Well then, I'm happy that you are happy, so when can I meet the guy?" He asked with an uneasy smile.

"All in due time big brother, all in due time." I said to him.

We asked the waiter for the bill and just to annoy my brother I paid. It is the joys of receiving a big fat cheque every month end, maybe not fat but it sure is big enough to pay for twenty dollars for a full English breakfast and dessert plus tea. And trust me that's a lot of money to be spending on breakfast alone.

"I'll see you on Thanksgiving?"

"Wouldn't miss my first Thanksgiving dinner." I assured him.

"Okay I guess that's my cue to leave. Take care of yourself little sis." He gave me a hug. One which I returned.

"I will," I held him tighter, "take care of my nephew and sister-in-law."

"Always. Bye Lerato."

"Bye Tumi."

Then he left the café. Feeling a little pressed I decided to go to the restroom before I left to go to back home.

It is lovely having somewhere to call home in this foreign land. But these past three days have made me realise that home is not always a place but home can be a person. Just like how I found a home in Justin. Speaking of Justin, I'll have to call him when I get back home.

I did my business in the restroom and my phone rang just as I was about to step outside. Speak of the devil.

"Hey you." I smiled as I walked out of the café with my phone pressed against my ear.



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