060. Epilogue

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~ Third Person's POV ~

Ash was sleeping peacefully after a long night of work. He was awoken by small hands slapping his cheek. He looks up to see his beautiful two-year-old daughter, Nova, smiling down at him. "Daddy!" She squeals.

"Good morning, sweetie." He leans up and plants kisses on her face as she giggles and squeals. He looks around but there was no sign of his wife. "Hm, where's Mommy?" He asks her.

"Mommy went cook foodie." Nova replies while playing with his necklace. "Mommy want you get up so you go take me to park." She also tells him. Clearly not telling the truth. Ash chuckles and kisses her cheek.

"Go play with Posie while Daddy gets ready, okay?" He places her down and she runs out, calling Posie's name. Ash walked in the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. 'Damn, I need to shave.' Ash said in his thoughts. He splashed his face with cold water and hopped in the shower.

Meanwhile, CiCi was at the stove cooking a hot breakfast downstairs. She hears Nova scream and laugh as Posie chases her to retrieve her toy. "Nova, slow down." CiCi says. She flips the last pancake and places it on their plates. She was cooking a regular pancake for her, blueberry pancake for Ash and a chocolate chip pancake for Nova.

She placed fruits on the side and poured a cup of orange juice. She placed Nova's in her little sippy cup she still drinks out of. She smiles, feeling lips kiss her neck sweetly. "Good morning, wife." Ash says, kissing her one last time.

She turns around. "Good morning, husband." She leans up and kissed his lips. "Breakfast is ready." She says. He nods and gets Nova. CiCi takes out the whipped cream and places a little on Nova's pancake since she enjoys whipped cream. She had also cut them up a bit as well too.

Ash comes in with Nova on his hip. "Yay!" She says excitedly and sits down. She goes to dig in.

"Grace first, Nova. You wanna do it?" Ash asks her and she nods.

She closes her eyes and bowed her head. "God, thank you for foodie and Mommy and Daddy. Amen." She says quickly.

"Amen." Ash and CiCi says and chuckles, watching their daughter eat her pancake. One thing about Nova is that she's really advanced in speaking. Maybe because she's around adults most times. The doctor has confirmed it.

After breakfast, Nova was watching Cocomelon, clapping her hands while singing to the songs that popped up. Ash was sitting beside her, smiling and singing with her while Gracie was doing the dishes. There was a knock on their door. "Mommy, door!" Nova calls. Ash goes and opens it. AJ, Rena and Gwen pops in. "Uncle AJ!" Nova squeals and runs to him. She giggles as he covers her face with billions of kisses. Nova loves receiving kisses from her favorite uncle.

"Hey, little monkey!" He swings her around. "How are you?" He asks her. She nods while playing with a toy ball that Ash had placed in her hand. "Hey man." He does a guy-ish handshake with Ash. "Hey, CiCi!" He calls.

"Hey, guys." CiCi calls back. Gwen and Rena walked in the kitchen, watching her clean.

"Girl, when can we go out?" Gwen asks. She looks around their two-story major decorated house. "Why do you guys keep decorating? Please just stick with white and peach." She says, making the three of them laugh.

"A girl's night sounds like fun." Gracie says. "This weekend, for sure. Ash is off on weekends." She tells them and they nodded. Nova walks in the kitchen.

"Mommy, I have a pop?" She asks.

"Wait until after lunch, Novie." CiCi replies, causing little Nova to pout. She soon smiles once Rena picks her up and place kisses on her little face.

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