005. Hangouts and Confusion

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-Gracia's POV-

It was lunch time and me and Serena were sitting together. I normally sat alone by myself. I'm glad I now have her as a friend.

"Guess what I have?" She asks smirking.

"What?" I say, taking another bite out of my sandwich.

She pulls out two Snickers bar. I gasped. I love Snickers so much.

"I love Snickers!" I say with a smile.

"I know, that's why I went to the gas station this morning to get us bars." She says giving the chocolate bar to me.

"Serena, you didn't have to do that." I tell her.

"Bitch, we friends now. We look after each other." She says and puts the bar in my hand.

I chuckle and take it from her hand. She smiles and starts eating on a sub from Subway.

I finish my sandwich and chips and she was finished too.

"Would you wanna split my salted caramel cookie?" I ask holding up the huge cookie.

"Damn! Who makes salted caramel cookies? I love caramel so much." She says.

I rip it in half and give her one half. We both bite into it and moan at the delicious taste. My eyes roll in the back of my head as I take in the magical taste of this delicious cookie.

My phone dings from my pocket. Who could be texting me? I pull out my phone and it's a DM from Instagram.

ash.scott19 (DM): do u want me to take u right here?

What the frick?! Take me as in... that? He's such a pig. What did I even do to feel like that? He doesn't even like me.

gracia.oconnor (DM): You don't even like me.

I text. He doesn't so why would he be saying those things to me? I'm in a total bliss of confusion right now.

ash.scott19 (DM): lmfaooo have a nice lunch, four eyes.

I decided not to text back. That whole thing was just so weird. I'm cut back into reality when Serena taps my shoulder.

"You alright?" She asks, munching on the last bite of her cookie.

"Yeah." I say.

"Those cookies are so good! Where do you get them from?" She asks.

"My sister, Calliope, bakes them." I told her, smiling.

"Calliope and Gracia. Beautiful names." She says.

"She likes to be called Callie. Our parents wanted our names to be unique." I told her.

"Are you mixed? Just asking, I've seen your pictures on Instagram and you also have hazel eyes." She says.

"My mom is white and my dad is black." I told her chuckling.

"Ok. Sorry to ask, it's just been on my mind." She says.

"It's fine, honestly." I say chuckling.

I look in my lunchbox and I have the Snickers and the M&M's and the other half bitten cookie.

"I'll finish this later." I say chuckling.

"We should hang out after school." She says.

"Oh yeah, where?" I ask.

"Anywhere." She says.

"No one has asked to hang out before." I say holding my head down.

"Now that's different because you got me." She says and I smile.

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