033. No...

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-Ashton's POV-

I picked up my phone to call my baby. We've been doing awesome and I'm so glad she's in my life. I don't regret asking her to be my girlfriend. At all. She had picked up after three rings.

"- Hey." She says and I smile. Hearing her voice makes me feel this type of way.

"Hey, babe." I say. "What are you doing right now?" I ask her.

"- Oh, I'm helping Callie right now. She's babysitting Chloe." She tells me. That kid is so fucking cute. Maybe one day, we could have kids of our own.

"Should I come and help or...?" I don't want her getting stressed out.

"- Oh, no. It's okay, Ash. I got it." She says and I sigh and smile.

"Ok." I say. "I will miss you today though. We had a lot of fun yesterday." I say, hinting at the amazing sex.

Sex with Gracie feels so good. I love to hear her sweet moans, calling me name. I want to please her in other ways too but I don't want her to feel uncomfortable. I want her permission first.

"- Yes, we did." She chuckles. "- Oh, I gotta go now. I'll see you later." She says.

"Bye, babe. I love you." I tell her.

"- I love you." She says.

Once I hung up, I tried to think about what I could do to pass time. Austin's not here... again. Seems as though he's never really here anymore. Oh, I know. I can call AJ.

I called AJ and he agreed to meet at the diner we always go to. I had placed on my leather jacket and grabbed my keys. Walking downstairs, I see Austin. Oh, I assumed he wasn't here.

"Yo." I call, he looks at me. He looks exhausted. "Are you okay, bro?" I ask.

"Yeah, dude. Just tired. Going somewhere?" He asks.

"Yeah, I'm gonna hang with AJ." I told him and he nods. I don't think it's just tiredness but I just leave it alone.

I walk inside the diner and I see AJ. I walk to the table and sat in front of him. He had a huge smile on his face. It was a bit creepy.

"Dude, you're creeping me out. What's wrong with you?" I ask.

"I'm gonna take Serena on a date." He says and I shrug.

"Ok. Yippee for you." I say sarcastically.

"I'm gonna tell her I love her." He says and I look up at him. Damn, he's serious.

"Bro, that's amazing. Damn." I say.

"How did you tell CiCi? Did you tell her first?" AJ asks.

"No, well. I don't know. I kinda pushed her to tell me because she didn't wanna say but I knew she did. So, yeah she basically did tell me first." My mind drifts to the closet where we first told each other we loved each other.

"How did you know you loved her? When did you find out?" He asks.

I chuckle. "There was one time. Alice had approached us and you know, jealous of Gracie and everything. She had called her a slut. I remember Gracie just crying and I was holding her. I liked her for a very long time but I didn't realize I loved her until I felt this feeling while holding her. I felt that same feeling I felt with my mom but it was different. That's how I knew." I told him.

"Wow. You guys really are a power couple." AJ says and I chuckle.

"Yeah, that's my baby." I say and he makes gagging noises. I chuckle.

After a couple of minutes, I had left to go back home. I decided to call Gracie to see if she was doing alright. She answers.

"Hey, how was babysitting?" I ask. I was shocked at who replied.

"- Gracie's in the bathroom right now but I'll tell her you called." I heard a male's voice. It was a voice I didn't recognize. She lied to me. She's cheating on me.

"No, you can have her. I'm done with her." Before the guy can explain, I hang up.

How could she do this to me? I'm done. Can't date anybody. I threw my phone on the floor and tears are falling down my eyes. I start crying.

-Gracia's POV-

Once I was done babysitting, I went to go to Ash's but Austin told me he was gone. I just walked back home and got started on my homework. I had gotten a call from an old friend, Trevor. We were in the same math class.

He had needed help with homework and since he was a good friend, I couldn't say no. We were both having problems on this one question.

"I just can't figure it out." He says.

"Yeah, same. Hey, I'm going to the bathroom real quick, I'll be right back." I told him and he nods.

After I was done, I come out and Trevor looks scared, kinda guilty. He has my phone in his hand. I hope Ash didn't call, I hope Ash didn't call.

"Trev, what happened?" He asks.

"He called, I told him you were in the bathroom and he said that I can have you and that he's done." He says.

No, no, no. He thinks I cheated on him. I panic and I quickly slide on my coat and shoes.

"Do you need me to drive you?" He asks.

"No, I'm fine. Let's finish tomorrow since it is the weekend. I'm sorry, I'll talk to you later." I tell him.

He leaves and I walk, well speed walk to Ash's house. I need to tell him it isn't what he thought it was. I wasn't cheating. I didn't lie.

I got there and Austin answered. He tells me he has to go and I nod. I walk upstairs to Ash's room. I open the door and he's sitting with his on his knees.

"Ash." I say.

"Go. Be with that guy." He says.

"No. It wasn't anything bad." I tell him. I try to look at his face but his large hands are covering it.

"Go. I knew you were gonna break my heart one day." He says.

"Baby, no." I told him. "Listen, it wasn't intentional. He needed help so I just-.." he gets up, interrupting me.

"Shut up! Just shut up!" He yells. He has tears in his eyes. He was crying.

"Ash." I try.

"You lied to me. You told me you were babysitting then another guy answers you'd phone. Nothing but a fucking cheater." He sneers.

"Ash, no. Just listen to me." I try.

"Go. I don't wanna see your face." He says lowly.

"Ash, just listen to me for two seconds."

"Go, Gracia." He's mad but he needs to listen.

"Ash, please." I try.

"GO!" He screams at me, grabbing my shoulders pushing me to the wall, hard. My eyes are wide and they tear up. "Leave! Go!" His eyes tear up too.

"Ashton. Ash, I was b-babysitting a-and I came over b-but you were with AJ so I went home and my friend, Trevor needed help with the homework. That's what happened. I s-s-swear." I tell him, scared.

"Just go, Gracie. Just go." He whispers.

I don't try again and grab my coat and run out of his room and to my house. I cry all the way home. Ash scared me tonight, terribly.

I hope we can talk tomorrow where he's in the right mindset.

A/N: Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Do you think Ashton and Gracie will break up? Hmm... don't know lol. Listen to the song up top for more of Ash's feelings. Stay tuned for the next chapter! Comment your thoughts and vote! Thanks for reading!

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