028. Creep

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TW: talking about cutting. Please don't read if you get sensitive about it.

-Gracia's POV-

"I'm Gracie, and this is Serena." I introduce us to Gwenyth. She seems nice. "Nice to meet you."

"Likewise. Ashton and AJ  talks about you all the time." She says chuckling. Serena and I look at each other. How does she know our boyfriends? "Oh, don't worry, I have a boyfriend on the team, Noah. That's how I know them. They talk about you two all the time. That's why I came up to you."

She seems like an energetic and spunky person. I love her personality already. We could be good friends. I smile at her.

"Do you guys wanna walk around? I can show you my favorite spot. Who wants to hang around these boys anyway?" She says and we chuckle and follow her.

She leads us outside the hideout spot and we follow a trail. At the end, we're in front of a lake. I look at I see a bench swing. I stare out at the beauty of nature.

"This is a cool place." Serena says.

"Yeah. I come here all the time to just clear my head when I'm struggling with things." Gwen tells us. "Everybody has their struggles and I would get rid of them in a way I can't take back but I found my new peace reliever." She says.

"What would you do?" I ask her. I notice tears coming to her eyes. "You don't have to tell us if it's personal." I walk up and hug her. She smells good. Like peach perfume.

"No, I'm fine. I would cut. Some scars are still there but the rest faded." She says and wipes her eyes. "It's not worth it, trust me."

I feel bad for her. I've never gotten images about harming myself when I was going through hard times but people are different and some choose to cope with other things. Like Gwen, cutting.

"What made you stop?" Serena asks her, playing with a long strand of grass.

"Noah. We just started dating and he would see the scars. Raided my room and threw out all the razor blades. Then offered for me to stay with him and his family until me and my family were fine." She replies.

"Your skin isn't paper, girl. It's beautiful so don't cut it." Serena tells her, leaning in for a hug.

"Thank you, Serena." Gwen says.

"Girl, we friends now. It's Rena." Serena tells her chuckling.

"And you may call me CiCi." I say. "Should we go back so our boyfriends don't worry about us?" I ask and they both agreed.

We all walked back to the place and walked in. Ash catches me and walks up to me. He cups my face and kisses my lips. I chuckle once he pulls away.

"What's wrong, Ash?" I ask him.

"I was looking for you everywhere. I thought you had disappeared." He says. I can now see he's panting.

"I'm here, Ash." I tell him and hug his waist.

"Hey, Gwen." He greets Gwen and then gives her a hug. "You doing alright?" He asks her.

"Yeah, I'm doing fine. Where's Noe? I'm ready to go, he promised me Chick-Fil-A." She says and I chuckle. Ash points to where he is. "I'll see you two later. Wait, put your numbers in my phone."

Serena and I put both of our numbers in her phone and she gives us one last hug before walking away. AJ comes up to us and gives Serena a kiss on her lips.

"We're leaving too, baby. See you two later." AJ says and they walk out, waving at us.

It wasn't soon before Ash and I had left too. It was 8:30pm and we were trying to figure out where to go for dinner. I chose Subway because I love their subs.

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