050. Tragedy

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~Gracia's POV~

We attended Ash's father's funeral. It was me, Callie, Chloe and all our friends. Ash needed our support. I held his hand in mine as he wiped the tears falling down his eyes. "We will now have a speech from his youngest son, Ashton."

He had asked me to walk up with him because he couldn't do it by himself. He looks at me and I nod. We walk up in front of everybody. Ash sniffles. "My dad and I never really got along." He started.

"It wasn't until after my mom died, we started falling off. I held resentment towards him for leaving me and my brother for his wife and not caring for us." He sniffles. "My dad, even though we crossed paths, was a loving father and husband. He did everything to provide us with everything we needed and wanted and I was too young and stupid and took advantage of that. I wish I had spent more time with him. You never know when someone you know could leave at the drop of a hat. I never expected this. And I hold a lot of guilt." He looks up. Tears falling. I wipe some tears of mine. "I'm sorry, Dad. I love you and I wish you well up above. That's it. I can't say anymore." He says and we walk off.

Soon, we were outside, watching his father get buried. I look over and see Ash's step mom and her children crying. The burial was done and everybody was leaving. Me, our friends, and Callie and Chloe stayed with Ash and Austin. His step mom and her children comes up to us.

She doesn't say anything but pull Ash into a hug. "You were an amazing son to him." Is all she says. She then pulls away and smiles at me. I smile back. "You can have the house." She says to them.

"No, you and your kids need someplace to live. Everything will be fine." Austin says. She nods with a soft smile and walked away.

Chloe walks to Ash, frowning, holding her head down. "I'm sorry, Uncle Ash." She says, breaking everybody's heart.

He picks her up and hugs her. "I'll be fine, little bean." He kisses her cheek and then turns to us. "Thank you guys for coming."

"Of course, man." AJ says. He walks to him and hugs him. "If you want, we could all stay."

"No, you guys go. I'll be okay." He says. He puts Chloe down and walks away from us. I follow him.

"Ash, stop." I say. I walk to him and grab his hands. "I can stay with you."

"No, Gracie. I wanna be alone." He says.

"No one should be alone." I say.

"Gracia, what did I just say!" He scolds. We're far away from everybody so no one heard. I held my head down. "Just, fuck, just leave me alone. Don't call me, don't text me." He says.

I nod my head. "Ok." I say. "I love you." I tell him. He doesn't say anything but goes in his car and drives off.

When we got back home, I walked upstairs in my room. I place my head in my hands and cried for my boyfriend who's dealing with a lot of pain right now. I wish I could take it away but I can't. Chloe walks in. "CiCi?" She calls. I wipe my tears.

"Hey, Coco." I say. She walks to me and climbs on my lap.

"Don't be sad." She wipes my tears and I smile. "Uncle Ash said to me don't be sad. I say to you don't be sad." She says.

I nod. "I won't be sad no more. I'll be okay. I just love Ash and I don't like that he's hurting." I say to her. She hugs me and I smile and hug her back.

"Uncle Ash loves you too and he will be okay." She tells me and I smile. I love this kid with all my heart.


It's been two weeks. Ash hasn't called nor texted. I didn't either, knowing he wanted his space. I hung out with Gwen and Serena and talked with them. They told me the same thing Callie told me. He'll be fine.

I was folding my laundry when I get a text message. I pick it up and my heart races. It's Ash.

Ash 😘: can u come over?

Me: yes, I'll be there

I put on my shoes and hurried outside. I got on my bike and rode to his house. I knocked on the door and he opened it. I smile and hug him. He hesitated to hug me back. Weird but I don't think about it too much.

He grabs my hand and we walk upstairs. "Let's lay down." He says softly and I nod.

We laid facing each other. I scooted closer to him and kissed his chin. "I missed you so much. I love you and I promise to be here for you every step of the way." I said.

"Gracia." He says. He never says my full name.

"Ash, is something wrong?" I ask him. He doesn't answer. "Babe, I love you. I kinda felt hurt when you didn't say it back but I know you do."

"Gracia, stop talking for a minute." He says but he sounds aggravated. "I need to talk with you about something." He says.

I nod. "Okay. What is it?" I ask.

He takes a deep breath. "I- Gracie, we should end things." He said.

My heart feels like it's sinking. He doesn't mean this. "Ash, y-you don't mean that. I love you." I tell him. I grab his face in my hands.

"Don't, touch me. Please." He places my hands down. "Gracia, trust me. I can't. I can't do this anymore. Just let us end it. We weren't gonna last really long." He says.

"You need time to grieve, I know that but you don't have to do this." Tears comes to my eyes.

"Gracie, you're not listening to me!" He scolds. "I don't wanna be with you. Just let us end this."

I couldn't hold it in and start sobbing. I sobbed like a baby in front of him. "Ash, p-please don't do this to me. Please? Please give us a chance." I beg.

He looks away. "I can't." He says.

"Ash, no." I say. "You said you loved me, that we would move in together. Get married, have children. You told me that would happen." I say.

"I'm sorry, Gracie. Things happen and things change." He says. "I'll always love you but I just can't do this." He says.

Soon, my sadness turns into anger. I hit his chest and cried out loud. "Why are you doing this to me? Why are you doing this? I love you, Ash. Please." I beg, one more time. Hoping he'll listen.

He grabs my wrists and I cry. He holds my face in his hands and leans down to kiss my lips. I kiss back. Soon he pulls away. "I'll always love you, Gracie. But we can't go on. Not anymore." He says.

I pull away from him. Sobbing, I run out of his room. He doesn't even chase after me. I ride my back back home. I run upstairs and closed my door. I sob heavily on my pillow.

Why would he do this to me? I thought he loved me. I feel so empty. Nothing can feel this void I feel. My heart is shattered. I just wanna sink down into this home and have nobody find me. My door opens. "Gracie?" I hear Callie.

I look up and she comes in and I hug her. "He-He broke up with me, Callie." I sobbed in her chest. "I-I feel so empty. I feel so hurt." I say.

She doesn't say anything but just hold me. Why me? Why is this happening to me?

A/N: Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Omg I'm a mess rn, I'm crying so terribly. Stay tuned for the next chapter! Comment your thoughts and vote! Thanks for reading!

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