038. The Night is Ours

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~Gracia's POV~

The rest of the night had went by. No trace of Queen Bee anywhere and I'm glad. She doesn't want to see me on my bad side yet again. Ash had stayed close to my side all night.

Soon the event was over and everybody had started leaving. I walked hand-in-hand with Ash to his motorcycle. He starts and I wrap my arm around his waist and put my helmet on. He rides off.

The night looks so beautiful. I looked up at the stars as we rode down the road. I lean my cheek on Ash's back and close my eyes, taking in his scent. He smells like mint and chocolate. I don't know where I got that from but what's what I smell.

We go back to his house and soon we're back in his room. My feet are starting to ache from my shoes so I take them off and plop down on his bed. He sits next to me and smiles.

"Why are you smiling like that?" I ask, chuckling.

"You just told Alice off. No one has done that." He says.

I chuckle. "Somebody needed to. She needed it." I say.

"Yeah." He chuckles. "So what do you wanna do? We still have the night."

"Can we just order something and cuddle?" I ask sticking my bottom lip out. He always falls.

"Well, why not, my baby?" He chuckles and kisses my lips. "What do you want?" He asks.

"Pizza sounds good." I say and he nods and walks away into the bathroom.

I had got out my phone. I had received text messages from Callie. I sit and opened them.

Callie 😊: are u good??

Me: I'm fine, Callie. Chill lol

Callie 😊: what r u up to right now?

Me: Ash is about to order pizza. Why?

Callie 😊: u have a friend named Gwen right?

Me: yeah, why??

Callie 😊: she's in the hospital. overdose

My heart stopped. Gwen had overdosed. This can't be happening. I called Serena right away and it ringed for a couple of seconds. She soon answered.

"- CiCi."

"Rena, what the hell happened?" I ask, tears close to slipping out. Ash walks out of the bathroom and I hold a finger at him.

"- I don't know. We were just walking around and she had passed out and foam was coming out of her mouth. The nurses just told me that she's breathing but they're trying to pump the drugs out of her."

"Oh my gosh." I place my palm on my forehead. "Let me know when you visit her. I need to know if she's okay."

"- I will. AJ and Chase are with Noah and the doctor just walked up. I'll talk to you later." She says.

"Ok. Bye." She hangs up.

Ash looks at me worriedly. "What's wrong?" He asks.

"Gwen." I replied. He shrugs. "She overdosed. She's still alive but they're trying to pump out the drugs from her insides." I say.

"Damn." He says. "Don't worry, we'll visit her tomorrow." He kisses my cheek. "Pizza should be here in 30 minutes. Let's cuddle."

I laid down on his chest, feeling mighty worry for Gwen. I knew she's struggled with drugs in the past and it kills me that she has relapsed. I'm just glad that she's alright. I kiss Ash's chest. I don't know why, I just love kissing him.

"I love you baby." He says.

"I love you more." I look up and smile at him. He smiles back.

"You're so cute." He says. I giggle. I love when he calls me that. I snuggle more into his chest.

The doorbell rings and he stands up and goes downstairs. My phone rings. It's Serena. I rush to pick up.

"Hey. Is she okay?" I ask.

"- She's fine. She's sleeping right now but she wants to see you. It's late so maybe tomorrow." She replies.

"Ash and I will definitely come tomorrow." I told her.

"- Ok." She pauses. "Everyone says they love you."

"Awww, tell them I love them too." I tell her.

"- Will do. Okay, I love you girl. See you tomorrow." She says.

"See you tomorrow." I say and she hangs up.

Ash soon comes back up with the pizza. I cheer. I love pizza. "Can I choose the movie to watch?" I ask him with a playful pout.

"Of course you can, baby." He says and I giggle.

He gives me the remote and I go to Hulu. I then chose the movie 'Instant Family' because in my opinion, it's funny and Mark Wahlberg is in it. He places the pizza in the middle of us.

"So, what's this movie again?" He asks, taking a bit out of his slice.

"It's called 'Instant Family.' Callie and I have watched it together." I told him.

"So if you've seen it before, why are we watching it again?" He asks chuckling.

"Because I want you to watch it so you'll see why I like it." I say. "Trust me, it's a good movie." I turn and kiss his lips. They were greasy and I chuckle and wipe the grease with the back of my hand.

"If you say so, babe." He says.

We watched our movie and ate. He actually enjoyed the movie just like I knew he would. After the movie was over, I started getting a little tired.

He gave me his shirt for me to wear. Once I'm changed, I lay down on his chest and he cuddles me. I look up at him. He looks down at me. "You okay?" He asks.

"Mhm, I'm alright." I tell him. He rubs my cheek with his fingers. "I'm glad that you're here, in my life." I tell him.

"Of course. I'll always be here. I promise." He tells me.

I don't know why I get so emotional all of a sudden. I'm just scared that one day, we'll be apart. It hurts to think about someone I love departing from me.

"Why are you crying? Don't cry." He says.

I chuckle. "I'm sorry. I just love you so much. I don't want you away from me. Ever." I tell him.

"You'll never lose me baby, I promise." He says. I nod.

I feel more tired and I close my eyes and fall asleep, on my lover's chest.

A/N: Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm glad Gwen is okay... no way I'm killing off her character. Comment your thoughts and vote! Thanks for reading!

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