015. Truth Hurts

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-Ashton's POV-

I'm so pissed off. I don't even know why, I'm just having a bad day for some odd reason. I really wanna call Gracia but I'm afraid I'll lash out at her. Again. Just like I did before. It's been two weeks since the last I've talked to her.

It's snowing so our school is giving us a week off. We'll still be given assignments. That's kinda fucked up, too. I'm a straight A student but when you get a week off from school, that's exactly what it means.

A week from those boring ass teachers, the sluts who throw themselves on you, and ANY assignments. But it's whatever. I'll be bored in this house. Austin went to stay with his girlfriend because she's leaving for Mexico on Wednesday.

Ugh, it's too boring. I grab my coat and snuck inside Austin's room. It stinks and he needs to clean it. My room isn't as clean but at least you can walk through it. His underwear on the floor, a sandwich that looks dry and stale.

Where is the fucking cigarettes? I rummage through his drawers, trying to find where he hides his joints. Ah-ha! Found one. I grabbed three and a lighter.

I know a 17 year old shouldn't be smoking but I don't care. There's a lot of shit in my life that sometimes I just need to get over. Getting high is one of the things that ease my anger.

I go on the balcony, lighting the joint. I place the end in my mouth and closed my eyes, feeling the smoke hit the back of my throat. It feels like heaven.

I release the smoke out of my mouth. This is definitely helping with the calmness. I got a text. I roll my eyes and pick it up. Oh, it's Gracie.

Grace 😍: Hey. Are you okay?

Me: yeah I'm fine

I place my phone back down and took another hit. This feeling of bliss will never be old to me. My phone received a text again and I pick it up.

Grace 😍: Can I come over? I feel like you're lying.

I laugh. Me, lying? I mean, I'm mad but that doesn't mean she can act like... never mind.

Me: i'm fine, four eyes.

Grace 😍: Four eyes? You haven't called me that in a while.

I roll my eyes and turned my phone completely off. I'm now annoyed. I turned it back on to post on my Instagram. I took a picture of the joint in my hand.

Caption: Real shit 🍃

Feeling good, I posted it. I don't care who sees and if it goes to my father, I can just remind him of the time he would snort coke in front of me and my brother.

I finish my joint after another couple of hits and I'm high. Getting high is the best feeling ever. I walk downstairs and grab a shit ton of food because I'm hungry.

I walk back upstairs and pop a chip in my mouth, crunching on it. Someone knocks on my front door. Hmm? Who might it be?

I walk carefully downstairs. Gracie? I told her that I was fine.

I open the door and she's standing there. She's shivering. I mean, duh, it's cold outside. Wait, did she walk here?

"Hi." She greets softly.

"Gracie, what are you doing here?" I ask, rubbing my forehead.

"I was worried about you." She says. I let her come inside.

"I don't need you to worry about me. I'm fine." I tell her.

"Ashton, you don't seem fine. It's like you get irritated by everything now." She's not wrong. I'm irritated right now.

"Gracie despite what you think, I'm fine. I just have a lot on my plate right now." I told her.

"Then, talk to me. We're supposed to talk to each other." She grabs my arms.

What does she mean? We're not a couple. All of this we have is just friends, it's fun.

"Like what? Like we're a couple?" I pull my arms away.

"I didn't say that, Ashton." She looks down.

"But you were thinking it...?"

She keeps her head down, not looking at me. Fuck! How many times do I have to explain this to her?

"Gracia, for the last time, we're not a couple. The thing we have is just for fun. That's all this is. Fun. Damn it! I knew I shouldn't have even opened up because girls like you like to go to the extreme. I give you an inch and you take it to a fucking mile!"

I know I'm probably making her upset but I don't care right now. What's wrong with me? Why am I like this?

"Ash, I don't mean to. I'm just really worried about you." She walks up to me.

"Get out." I say lowly.

"What?" She asks, clearly shocked.

"Get out, Gracia! I don't love you and I never will so go!" I scream.

I can see her eyes tearing up. Dammit. I hurt her. With my words after I promised I wouldn't. She sniffles and walks out. Me, being the coward I am, didn't go after her. I knew if I did, I would fall for her more.

I can't believe I said that to her. Of course I love her. I've loved her for a while but never realized it. Maybe that's why I bullied her? Why I made her feel bad?

I curse at myself and walk back upstairs, feeling mega guilty.

-Gracia's POV-

I'm such an idiot. I'm such an idiot to think he would love me. I'm falling in love with him. Actually no, I love him. He's told me what he would prefer but I didn't listen.

I deserved to be screamed at. I did. I've gotten it twisted. I guess I've never met a boy who's made me feel the way Ashton makes me feel, which made me fall harder and quickly.

I'm so angry and hurt. I walk back inside the house, tears quickly falling down my cheeks. Thank goodness that Callie isn't here. She would've raised hell and I don't want her to do that.

I drop to my bed and cry my eyes out. I feel so hurt by what Ashton has said to me. Although some part of it is my fault, all I wanted to do was help him.

Seems like he's gotten bored of me already. I wish someone was here to hold me and tell me that everything's okay. I wish mom and dad were home.

I want them home to cook their famous dishes. My dad's famous barbecue ribs and my mom's delicious pumpkin pie.

I would text Serena but she's busy with her new boyfriend. I feel all alone.

I cried some more and some more until I couldn't anymore. I closed my eyes and fall asleep.

A/N: Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Ashton was wrong for what he said but don't worry, he'll make up for it! Next update on Sunday. Comment your thoughts and vote. Thanks for reading!

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