007. Apology

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-Gracia's POV-

My mood was totally ruined so I had Serena drop me off back home so I could have time to myself. She understood perfectly why even though I felt bad. I promised her that we would hang out tomorrow.

I walk up to my room and change into some comfortable clothes which was a sweatshirt hoodie and sweatpants.

I lay face down on my bed and just started to cry. Why is he so cruel to me? I've never done anything to him to make him hate me and humiliate me so much. He called me a thing. The way that he looked at me seemed as though I'm an ugly creature and I am.

After a good cry, I turn on my tv and just watched some episodes of 'The Vampire Diaries' on Netflix. At least I'll get some good out of that. I had gotten a little hungry so I paused the show and walked downstairs for a quick snack.

I just fixed a bowl of goldfish and pretzel sticks. Before I left for upstairs, I reloaded the dishwasher since someone (aka Callie) for got to do it before they left for work again.

I got my bowl of snacks and walked back up to my room, closing the door behind me. I resumed my episode and watched until I got bored.

Ugh, what can I do that will entertain me until Callie comes home? Ooh, I know. I pulled out my laptop and just played some rounds of 'Among Us.' Don't judge me, it's a really addictive game.

After playing, I just looked on Pinterest on my laptop, looking at funny memes and outfits so I can know what to get whenever I go back clothes shopping.

My phone pinged from beside me so I picked it up. It was a text from Serena.

Serena 💕: hey are u ok?

Me: I'm fine. Thanks for checking up.

Serena 💕: yeah, no prob. be safe and i'll see u tmrw in school

Me: See you tomorrow.

I put my phone down and checked the time. Callie was supposed to be here an hour ago. I hope she's not working a double shift.

As soon as I said that, I got a text from her saying that she'll be working until 9pm tonight so I will have to do dinner myself. Ugh, I'll just order a pizza and wings.

My phone pinged again after a couple of hours. Someone followed me!

[chase_b101 has followed you.]

Chase? Oh, that guy who bumped into me and helped me today. Wait, but he's friends with Ashton. Who knows, maybe he's not like him.

I followed him back since I recognized him. I looked on his page and it has a lot of pictures with him and his friends. Him and who I guess is his mom and sister.

I looked on his story and it was a video of Ashton and his friends at a diner. I roll my eyes and exit. I decided to post something on my story as well.

 I decided to post something on my story as well

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

Aesthetic enough? Huh, I guess so. I smiled with what I had and posted it. I saw that my phone was on 15% so I had charged it.

I lay down, trying to go to sleep but I can't seem to do so. Ugh, I wish I still had the chance to hang out with Serena. Maybe I'll ask if she's busy or not.

My phone had vibrated since I had turned the sound off. It was a DM from that Chase guy. I opened it, curious as to what he was gonna say.

chase_b101 (DM): I'm sorry abt Ash. He told me and he feels bad abt it.

He doesn't need to apologize for Ashton's behavior but I know he doesn't feel bad. He's not sorry. I know he's not.

gracia.oconnor: Don't apologize for him. If he's really sorry he would do it himself but thank you.

I felt really good after sending that message. I had texted Serena asking if we can go anywhere. Of course, she got hyped and told me she was picking me up right now.

I got dressed into something more dressy just so I could look presentable. Once I was done and I had my shoes on, I went to text Callie what I will be doing.

My phone pinged after I set my phone down and I pick it up. Ugh, why him? I roll my eyes, looking at the message.

ash.scott19 (DM): yo im really sorry... fr

Is he really? Call me naive but I actually think he's sorry. I just replied back something shy me would say.

gracia.oconnor (DM): It's okay.

I texted back while smiling. I waited for him to text back. I don't know why.

ash.scott19 (DM): give me ur #

My number?! For what?!

gracia.oconnor (DM): For what?

ash.scott19 (DM): just do it, unless you don't want to.

I should but I don't want to. We are working on a project together but he could still DM me from Instagram. Why is he asking? To my suspicion, I did it.

gracia.oconnor (DM): +1 (372)***-****

I sat there confused. Maybe I shouldn't have given him my number number. I should've just put my foot down. Minutes later, my phone is ringing.

I hesitantly pick up and put the phone to my ear. I swallow hard before I speak.

"H-Hello?" I say.

"-What's up, four eyes?" I hear a voice. I close my eyes.

"Hi." I say quietly.

"-When should we start working on this project?" He asks.

"I-It's due next week so maybe this weekend. Research all you can and we can work on it someplace this weekend." I reply.

"-Let's work at my house. Okay?" He says.

"Ok. Anything else?" I ask.

"-No, just that. And I also wanted to hear your voice." He says which makes me blush.

"O-Oh." I say and I hear him chuckle.

"-Hey, I am really sorry about my words today in class. I felt bad seeing you upset." He says.

"It's okay." I say and he clears his throat.

"-Ok, I'll see you at school." He says.

"Bye, Ashton." I said and he hangs up.

He invited me to his house. I hear a honk outside and know immediately that it's Rena. I gotta tell her all that's happened.

A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Do you think Ash will start being more nicer towards Gracia? Who's your favorite character so far? Mines is Serena. Next update on Tuesday. Comment your thoughts and vote! Thanks for reading!

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