014. Hanging w/ Chase

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-Gracia's POV-

I was at my favorite cafe, reading my favorite book 'Pride and Prejudice.' I sip on my green tea and pulled my glasses back up on my face.

"Gracia?" I hear a male voice but it's not Ashton. I look up and it's Chase, the guy I bumped into.

"Oh, hey." I say and smile.

"Hi. I didn't know you come here." He says.

"Yeah, I come here often to read." I told him.

"That's really nice. Do you mind if I sit with you?" He asks.

"No, not at all. You can sit." I reply and he smiles and sits across from me.

"You know, Ash talks about you all the time." He says.

"Stop lying." I laugh.

"I'm serious. He'll literally cancel whatever and reply with 'sorry guys, I'm hanging with Grace.' I think it's pretty cute." He says and I blush.

"Yeah, we hang out a lot." I say and he nods.

"He really likes you." He says and I nod.

"I really like him too. I just want us to be something more." I admitted.

"Ash doesn't do too well with relationships. Something happened with him and his last girlfriend. He doesn't like to talk about it." He says.

"I'll wait for him to tell me when he's ready." I said and I mean it.

"Hopefully you two start dating." He tears a piece off of his lemon pound cake he had and ate it.

I just chuckle. Ever since Ash has mentioned how he's not good with dating, I never really asked him more about it. I just left him alone.

"Hey, we should do this often. I like it." He smiles and his blue orbs shine.

"Yeah." I say.

"Give me your number." He hands me his phone and I nod.

I put my phone in his contact list and handed it back to him. He takes it and immediately texts my phone. I added his name to my contacts and we just laugh.

"Let me get a piece?" I ask, pointing to his lemon pound cake.

"Since you're my new friend, why not?" He says and I chuckle.

I rip off a little piece and it's really good. I need to order this more.

"So, this girl..." I look up and a camera is on me, "just took a piece of my pound cake. I feel so hurt."

He turns the camera back on him and fake frowns. I just laugh.

"You said I could." I defend, smiling.

"Ok, I'm just kidding." He says and turns the camera off.

"You're so full of it." I say laughing and he laughs with me.

My phone pinged and he's mentioned me in his Instagram story. Ugh, he posted that video. I look up at him and reached over to hit his shoulder.

"What? People now know that you're my friend so they won't mess with you." He says and I smile.

"Appreciate it." I say and he nods.

We both leave at the same time. I went to walk home but he's offered to drive me. Since we're friends now, I agreed and he drove me home.

"Ok, CiCi. I'll see you later." He says when I get out of his car.

"See you later." I say and walk inside the house.

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