006. Project Partners

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-Ashton's POV-

My weekend was so fucking boring. All I thought about was... her and it's killing me. Like literally, I checked her Instagram almost all weekend and her Twitter.

Seems like she made friends with that Serena girl. I guess she seems cool. But why would she wanna be friends with that nerd? I don't know.

"Wake your ass up!" My annoying brother yells.

I squint my eyes due to the fucking sun. This is why I like cloudy weather. Austin, my older brother, is standing at the doorway, his arms folded across his chest.

"What time is it?" I ask, grabbing my phone.

"7am. You have to be at school at 8:30 so hurry up." He says strictly and walks out of the room.

Austin is very strict. Not very, so I take that back. There's just times where he has to act like a father to me because I do need it. My dad isn't around us anymore so he feels the need to be one. But really, I just need him to be my brother.

I pick up my phone and there's a notification that Gracia posted on her Instagram. Don't judge but I maybe put a notification on every time she posts. I don't know why.

It was a picture of her and Serena again. I roll my eyes and throw my phone on the bed, walking to my bathroom.

I took a shower and brushed my teeth and gelled my hair. I spray some cologne on and walk downstairs. Austin is at the counter, on his phone.

"Please don't be late back home today." He tells me.

"I'll try." I say and grab my keys.

I turn my radio on loudly because I can. I drive out of our huge driveway and on my way to school. I tap my fingers on the wheel to the beat of the music.

I park in my usual parking space in front of the school. I sigh and put a piece of mint gum in my mouth. I turn my car off and take my keys out of the ignition.

I grab my backpack and got out. As usual, people are staring at me and gawking at me. I don't mind because I don't blame them. I'm sexy as hell so they have a reason to stare.

I walk in the building and suddenly, my eyes goes to her. She's with that Serena girl at her locker while taking out and putting stuff in. She turns and her eyes meet mine.

-Gracia's POV-

I catch our eyes meeting each other's. I take in his every feature which I never do when it comes to him. His outfit choice. His tattoos. His blue eyes. Everything.

"CiCi!" A hand waves in front of my face.

"Sorry, Rena. What were we talking about again?" I ask and she's leaning against the other lockers.

"Do you wanna come to my house after school today? To do any homework?" She asks.

"Yeah of course. Only if your brother is making that famous chip dip." I joke with her.

"I mean, he already likes you so." She shrugs and I chuckle.

On our way to the classroom, my clumsy self trips and drops all of my books. Before Serena could help me, a tattooed hand is picking up my books for me. Ashton. He's looking into my eyes and Serena helps me off of the floor.

"Be careful, four eyes." He says softly and I nod.

"T-Thank you, Ashton." I say and he nods.

"Girl, that was so fucking weird." Serena says once we are seated.

"I know, he never helps me. He's normally the one tripping me up." I told her.

"Yeah. I don't know, girl. Maybe he starting to catch feelings." She says chuckling. I smile back.

Mrs. White begins her lesson. I could feel eyes on me towards the end of class. Is he looking at me? I look back and he's staring straight at me. I took out my phone to sneakily text him.

gracia.oconnor (DM): Thanks for helping me with my books. Why are you looking at me, though?

I put my phone back down once Mrs. White dismisses the class when the bell rings. I look back to see Ashton looking down at his phone with a smirk.

It's our last class of the day and he hasn't responded to my message I've sent him. I just decided to leave it alone.

"It's time to announce your project partners." He says and the class leans up in their desks.

"Ashley and Mekahi... Samuel and Eliza..." he calls out.

"AJ and Serena... Chase and Bella and finally Gracia and Ashton." He says and my eyes went wide.

"You're placing me with the nerd of all people in this class?! Hell no, I want a change." Ashton shouts. I frown.

Just when I thought he was actually going to start being nice to me. I hold my head down.

"Mr. Scott, I choose the partners. You're going to have to be a little more considerate towards your partner." Mr. Desmonds scolds.

"No. Bullshit, I'm not doing no project with this... thing." He sneers in disgust and I can almost feel the tears coming out of my eyes.

Don't cry... don't cry... don't cry. But it's too late.

"See, look at how sensitive she is." He announces and I shrink in my seat, feeling so humiliated.

"That's enough!" The teacher yells but the damage has already been done.

"You're such an asshole." I hear Serena speak up.

"It's a shame you even hang out with this loser." Ashton says back and I feel more tears coming out.

As soon as the bell rings, I'm the first to get my stuff and walk out. I went straight for the bathroom and locked myself in a stall. I just sit there and cry.

"CiCi?" I hear a voice. Serena.

"CiCi, please come out. Don't listen to Ashton, he's a dick like I said." She tries to persuade but I'm already humiliated.

"CiCi, come on." She says.

I'm still not coming out. Ashton and his friends are out there and he'll humiliate me more than he always has.

"I have a granola bar." She says.

"What kind?" I ask through sniffles.

"Double chocolate chip." She says. You can't go wrong with granola bars.

I wipe my face and walk out of the stall. I'm quick to hug Serena. Thank God I've found a friend like her. She, Callie, my grandparents, my parents, and Chloe are honestly the only people I need in this messed up world.

"You're so beautiful. Don't listen to what Ashton says." She says and I nod.

She and I walk out of the bathroom and to my locker where I quietly get my stuff. I feel eyes on me and hear laughter. I also hear Serena telling people to back off.

Me and her walk through the hallways. I bump into someone. Please don't let it be Ashton.

"Oop, you alright?" A male voice asks and I look up.

He has short blonde hair that falls down and green eyes. He has on a varsity jacket so it's no doubt he's on the football team. I nod to his question.

"You both have a nice day." He says to me and Serena and we both nod.

I couldn't help but to look back and I see him walking toward a group of other boys. Ashton's apart of that group. I quickly turn my eyes away and walk out of the building.

I hope working on this project with him won't be too terrible.

A/N: So you now meet Chase Bradham! Don't worry, Chase is only a friend, there will not be a love triangle in this story because I hate love triangles lmfao. Next update on Sunday! Comment your thoughts and vote! Thanks for reading!

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