009. Before the Meeting

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-Ashton's POV-

I was speechless when she said yes but soon it was time for her to go. I walk her downstairs and to the front door. I give Austin a look saying that if he says one thing, his ass is getting beat. As always, she keeps her head down.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I tell her and she nods.

"See you later, Ash." She says softly.

I don't know what came over me but I lean over and give her a side hug. She hugs me back and I see her smiling. She pulls away and walks outside when a car horn honks.

I watch as she gets inside the car and the car drives off. I close the blinds. My brother is glaring at me. I roll my eyes and walk upstairs. His voice stops me.

"She seems nice."

"She is. What's your problem?" I ask him.

"What are you talking about?" He asks, pissing me off.

"Why were you so rude to her? It's obvious she isn't anybody who sleeps around." I grit my teeth in anger.

"I apologized to her. If you want my apology, then ask for it." He taunts.

"I don't want shit from you." I snap and run upstairs to my room.

I slam the door loudly, due to my anger. I don't know why I'm so angry. It's not even about Austin. I just feel some type of way when it comes to anybody around Grace.

Like the day in school when Chase bumped into her, I wanted to say something. I felt a ping of jealousy. I don't know why. I think I'm falling for her? I wanted to kiss her so badly. Take her body and have her submit to me. Make her mines.

I pull out my phone, texting AJ to ask him if he wanted to go for a smoke. I am feeling very confused about my feelings. I decided to text Grace to see if she's home safe and sound.

Me: are u home safely?

Grace 💕: Yes. Thank you for checking up.

Me: anytime. goodnight 😘

Grace 💕: Goodnight, Ash 💜

I set my phone down, thinking about tomorrow. She's actually coming back. I really want her so I can't screw it up with my smart ass mouth.

I will never hurt her or let anyone hurt her. She's mine and I'll kick someone's ass if they decide to lay a finger on her. I'll never hurt her again. With my mouth AND actions. Never again.

I lay on my back with one arm under my head. I close my eyes, dreaming about my beautiful girl and how are future could be together.


I woke up and rubbed my eyes. The sun's brightness is peeking through my curtains. I yawned. I reach over to grab my phone off of the charger.

I received texts from AJ, Sam and Chase and Instagram notifications. Likes... comments. Grace posted yesterday? I need to see this.

I scroll and look at her recent post on her story. She's so aesthetic and cute it's making me smile first thing in the morning.

 She's so aesthetic and cute it's making me smile first thing in the morning

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