016. I Love You

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~Gracia's POV~

It's time to go back to school. Honestly I don't know how I would feel seeing Ashton again. Ever since his outburst, I haven't dared to talk to him. Gave him time to cool off.

I told Serena that same night and she was mad because of the way Ashton acted but I assured her that I was okay. Even though I wasn't. I couldn't stop thinking about how he said he didn't love me.

Do I want him to? Do I even love him? What am I kidding, of course I love him. He makes me feel loved. But he's made it clear that I was just like a project to him. Maybe that needs to be put to an end.

I walk downstairs. I decided to wear something casual being as though I don't really care how I go to school looking. Callie placed a bowl of oatmeal in front of me.

She had decorated it with fruits and granola on top and drizzled some honey. Just like how I like it. I thank her and took a picture to post on my Instagram story.

 I thank her and took a picture to post on my Instagram story

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(^^^Gracie's post^^^)

I smiled and placed my phone down. Callie was staring down at her phone like it was a cookie. I chucked a strawberry at her to get her attention. She flinched and looks at me.

"Really, Gracie?" She picked up the strawberry from the counter and throw it in the trash.

"You were staring at your phone as if you'd like to make out with it." I laugh and she rolls her eyes, smiling.

Soon she left, leaving me by myself. I hear a honk outside but it's different from Serena's car. Is it? It can't be...

I walk outside and just as I suspected, it's Ashton. He has on sunglasses so I can't see his eyes. He looks at me.

I get in and quietly set my backpack and lunchbox on his car floor. I didn't say anything. I couldn't. I don't know why he's driving me to school. Serena said she would do it.

"I could've walked." I said quietly. I hear him scoff.

"Gracie, it's cold outside. There's no way I would've let you walk all the way to school." He says.

"I've done it before." I mumbled. "And where's Serena?"

"I called her and told her that I'll be taking you to school. She was catching a ride with AJ anyway." He says and I just nod.

We stop at a red light. He looks at me and his sunglasses are off. I look at him for a quick second and looked back. I hear him sigh and the light turns green and he drives again.

We're soon at the school and I quickly get out and walk to avoid any eyes. I look to find Serena and I see her leaning against a locker, kissing her boyfriend. I roll my eyes.

"Can you two move out of the way?" Ash asks rudely.
AJ laughs and wipes his lips.

"Serena." I call her name and she looks at me.

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