039. Visiting Gwen

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~Gracia's POV~

It was sunny when I opened my eyes. I felt something heavy on my chest and I look down and Ash was laying his head on my shoulder and his arm was draped over my stomach.

I sigh and removed his arm gently so I could get up. Before I could, something pulled me back down and into a hard chest. I chuckled as I hear Ash groan. "Don't leave. Stay." He says in his sleepy voice.

"I gotta get up." I tell him.

"You don't have to go home today, you know? It's Saturday, you can stay one more day." He tells me and nuzzles his head in my neck.

He hugs me in his chest and I hug him back. I was still feeling tired and it was really early so I gave in for his request. "Ok, we can stay in bed for one more hour." I say.

"Yay." He says groggily, making me chuckle.

I lay back in his chest and close my eyes. I didn't fall asleep right away as I was already just looking at Ash. He looks so peaceful and calm. He's not tensed or trying to put up a brave front. I smile.

I ended up not falling back to sleep because I simply just wasn't tired again. Instead I watched my cute boyfriend. I sigh and rub circles on his chest. Soon, I look up and met with those beautiful green eyes.

"Up now?" I ask and he smiles and nods.

"Let's take a shower." He says. I chuckle.

"Together?" I ask him. He nods. "Ash, we can't."

"Why not? Not like we both haven't seen anything." He kisses my neck and I chuckle. "And plus, I woke up ready for you."

I chuckle. "Fine, ok. We can take a shower together." I say.

"I knew you wouldn't turn me down." He says and I chuckle. He leans down and kisses my lips. I kiss back and soon he pulls away. "Let's shower so we can visit Gwen."

"Ok." I say.

We got out of bed and into the bathroom to take our shower. He stepped in first. I was a little bit shy to go in with him. I was in my bra and underwear.

"Baby." He chuckles. "It's okay, I won't try anything. We're just gonna shower."

I wasn't worried about him trying anything. Honestly, I wouldn't be bothered because I want him literally all the time. I just have never been in a relationship like this so I don't know how to go along with things.

I finally decided to be brave. I took off my undergarments and stepped in the shower with him. He kisses my forehead. "Wasn't so bad, huh?" He asks and I shake my head.

He turns me around and place my back to his chest. My breathing gets heavy when he trails kisses down my neck. I close my eyes. It's way too early. I chuckle.

"Babe." I say and he hums. "We need to get bathed." I say. "We can continue later."

"Promise?" He says. I look up at him.

I chuckle. "I promise that I'll make it up to you later." I say. He chuckles.

He bathes me. No teasing, no anything. Just straight bathing. He bathes himself after me and washes his hair. I've already washed my hair as well. We rinsed off and he reaches out of the shower curtain to grad towels.

He turns off the water and I wrap the towel around me. I then realize that I didn't bring any other clothes so I had no choice but to wear the same clothes from yesterday.

I had put on some deodorant that Ash has bought me yesterday. He buys me stuff for his house just in case I happen to stay. For example, a toothbrush, floss, deodorant and perfume.

He does a lot for me and I appreciate him for that. I had quickly got dressed and he comes out of his closet with fresh clothes. I chuckle. He smiles.

I walk up to him. I just feel the sudden urge to kiss him. So that's what I did. He looks confused. "What was that for?" He asks.

"I just want you to know that I really love you." I say. He smiles.

"And I love you just as much." He says. He leans down and kiss me again. "We can eat breakfast downstairs."

"Ok." I say.

We walk downstairs and Austin is working on his computer at the table. He sees me and smiles. "Nice to see you, CiCi." He says. He stands up and hugs me.

"Nice to see you as well, Austin." I say with a smile. He's honestly super sweet. He may seem intimidating but he's sweet on the inside. Like a teddy bear.

"What do you want?" Ash asks me, searching the fridge.

"I'll eat when we get back." I tell him. He frowns. "Babe, I don't really eat in the mornings. It's okay. I'll eat later, I promise." I tell him. I chuckle.

"Ok. As long as you eat." He says and I smile.

We were on our way to the hospital to visit Gwen. The nurses had her stay overnight so the drugs could flush out of her system. We go to her room and she's sitting up, on her phone.

"Hey, Gwennie." I say her nickname me and Rena had made up.

She looks. "Hi. Rena, Chase, AJ and Noah went to the cafe. I'll text and tell them you're here." She sounds groggily.

"How are you feeling?" I ask her, sitting on the foot of the hospital bed.

"Like I almost died." She chuckles. I sadly smile. "Don't be sad, Gracie. I promise I'm okay." She says.

"But you also promised not to put another drug in your body." I say lowly. "You're my best friend and I just feel this urge to be around you all the time to make sure you don't fall off the deep end again." I say.

"I'm sorry, I really am. Stress just makes me do stupid things." She says. "I'm really sorry." She says.

I walk to her and hug her. She hugs me back and I can't help but cry. I've been an emotional wreck all week. "Don't cry, CiCi. I'm honestly okay." She says.

I pull away from the hug. "Ok." I say. Soon, the door opens and our friends appear in.

"Hey." Rena sees and hugs me. I hug her back. "It's nice to see you guys." She says.

"Sorry we couldn't come last night." I apologize.

"Don't say sorry." Chase says and I nod.

At this time, I was so glad to have all my best friends and my boyfriend with me. I was so happy to know that Gwen was okay and I think she'll actually stick to her promise this time.

A/N: Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! If the chapters are bland, I'm trying to figure out how to fill in the plot. Comment your thoughts and vote! Thanks for reading!

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